Osamu Miya- Until We Meet Again

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Warnings: Angst, Character Death, S*icidal Osamu, 

!Trigger warning!: Suicide and Death. Don't read if it will make you uncomfortable. Be safe.

!SUICIDE HOTLINE!: https://www.iasp.info/suicidalthoughts/ or call 998 for help 

Third Person POV:

The sky was booming, silver clouds lacing the cold air. Osamu sat in his room, crying on his bed. 

Life would be better if you just didn't exist.

Everyone likes Atsumu more than you.

You shouldn't have been born.

I hate myself. 

I hate this damned world.

His head fell into his knees, salty tears soaking his gray sweatpants. The thought of living made him sick to his stomach. He gagged and coughed, choking on his quiet sobs, to not alert his happy family. Atsumu was the favorite child. Osamu's parents made no effort to hide it. They took Atsumu wherever he wanted and bought him whatever he wanted. He loathed Atsumu for that, he wanted to be noticed, the only way was death he believed. It wasn't Atsumu's fault and it made him feel guilty for hating him, but he couldn't bring himself to not hate him. 

(M/N) (L/N) is the only one who knew knew Osamu, the only one who truly loved him. Osamu knew that he cared and would be sad if he died. He knew that he loved him and wanted to live his life with him. They were supposed to open a restaurant together and be co-owners. 

Damn it. 

His tears fell harder, harder than the rainfall outside, banging on his window, invading the silence of his dark room. The best choice was pills, luckily he had stolen his dad's cholesterol medicine earlier that day. He clutched the bottle tightly, popping the lid off with his right hand. 

Fuck! I can't. I'm sorry.

He slowly began swallowing the pills one by one, dryly. The pills melted on his tongue, creating a familiar burning sensation that the boy craved so much. He swallowed until the bottle was empty. 

"FUCK!" He whisper screamed, throwing the orange bottle at the wall, praying it didn't make to much noise. He picked up his phone. 

10%. He hadn't bothered to charge the phone, as he'd been planning this for a while. He punched the mattress, opening his messages app, clicking a pinned number. 

My love. (M/N)

He tapped the call number, realizing his choice his sobs grew. (M/N) picked up instantly.

"What's up baby?" You could hear his smile through the phone, making Osamu wince and whimper. 

"I'm s-sorry." He choked out, words being muffled by his sobs.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worry emitting through the phone.

"I just ate a fucking bottle of pills." Osamu sobbed loudly into the phone, grabbing it so tightly it could crack at any minute. 

"What? I'm coming over." He spoke, leaving no room for demand.

"Stay with me please." He continued, sobs coming from his side of the call.

Sobs were tossed back and forth. (M/N) muttered incoherent words, racing towards his house at 2 in the morning. 

1%. Dead.

"Damn it." He threw his phone out the window into the rain, having opened it earlier.

His vision weakened, bluriness clouding his view. Before he blacked out, a figure came crawling through the window onto his bed. 

"FUCK! Osamu please. Please. Why would you do this?!" The boy screamed out sobs, clutching at the gray-haired boys limp body, cradling it in his arms.

"Why. why..." He mumbled unable to comprehend this. He cried loudly, not caring if the household could hear him.

A light flickered on in the hallway, lighting up the underside of his door. Atsumu stood at the door, opening it, eyes widening at the view. Tears immediately fell, watching as Osamu's lover sobbed on his dead body. 

"No. No way." He denied, tears continuously falling. 

~1 year later~

"Hey love." (M/N) smiled, placing flowers on a grave. 

'Miya Osamu'

A brother, a son, a lover'

"I miss you baby."

"Atsumu misses you too. He feels guilty, so do your parents. I uh just wanted to check in. I love you. I'll be with you soon. I promise." the (h/c) man clutched at his heart, smiling up at the sky as tears welled up in his eyes. 


(M/N) smiled as he fell off the roof of his high school. Tears fell, but he couldn't help but smile, knowing he'd see his lover soon. The wind felt nice in his hair as his back hit the asphalt, hitting his head. 

Bystanders screamed, horrified by the sight, though (M/N) was eternally grateful.

'I love you Osamu. Until we meet again babe.'


Sorry for this angsty oneshot. Please seek help if you are having suicidal thoughts. There are people that will miss you. Be safe and stay healthy. Have a great day/night. Love y'all lots.

           -Luna xoxo

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