Oikawa Tooru- Merry Christmas Tooru

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Warnings: Angst

Third Person POV:

(M/N) (L/N) was another victim to Lung Cancer at 17. At 16 he was banned from sports, almost breaking his heart. A couple months later he was forced into a wheel chair, body becoming too weak to support his slowly diminishing weight. Oikawa was really affected by this, knowing his lover was destined to die young. Though he stayed hopeful, praying that he was strong enough to fight the pain. (M/N) had made it to his 17th birthday, though his health was clearly declining. 

Doctors hit his family with hard news, saying he wouldn't make it past Christmas. He couldn't dare to tell Oikawa, so he decided to spend his last night with him. There he found himself, being wheeled out of the hospital at 11:20 on Christmas Eve by Tooru.

Oikawa smiled down at his lover, who was stuck in a wheelchair. His body was simply too weak to walk, the cold air making the teens shiver. 

"Hey Tooru, can we see the lights?" (M/N)'s meek voice spoke, tired eyes looking up at Oikawa. 

"Absolutely, my love?" He complied, the cool winter air dropping with the sunset. 

The two talked quietly, shivering escaping from (M/N)'s lips. (M/N) wrapped his arms around his frail body, attempting to war, up. He coughed harshly, the cold air pushing down his throat. 

"Are you okay (M/N)?" Oikawa asked, looking down at his lover.

"Y-yeah, I'm just cold." He shuddered. 

"Here." Oikawa pulled his jacket off his body, handing it to (M/N). 

"Thank you Tooru." He smiled weakly.

"Ahh. Here we are!" Tooru gasped, adjusting the wheelchair to face the beautifully lit street, with music playing. The warmth of Christmas Eve overpowered the cool. (M/N)'s eyes watched as the lights danced around in awe. Couples whispered as they waited for Christmas morning to meet them. 

11:50. Oikawa sat down on a bench, (M/N) wheeled up beside him, so they could really talk easily. 

"I love you Tooru." (M/N) looked over at his lover, eyes lidded slightly, pale skin shining in the lights. 

"I love you too (M/N)." He shot his signature smile at his lover. 


"Merry Christmas (M/N)!" Tooru kissed (M/N)'s dry lips. 

"Merry Christmas Tooru." He whispered, feeling his grasp on life fading. 

"I got you a gift." (M/N) spoke, trying to hide his pain. 

"What is it?" He smiled, leaning down to (M/N)'s hand, holding a book.

"A book of us." He answered, breathing heavily. 

"Thank you (M/N)." Oikawa gasped, looking through the book happily, eyes catching on a sentence written roughly on the last page by (M/N).

'Hey love. By the time you read this, I should be dead, but I couldn't bring myself to not spend Christmas with you. I just want to let you know that I love you, and I always will. Thank you for everything Tooru. I love you.

                   - (M/N) '

Oikawa's eyes widening, looking over at his lover who eyes had closed and lips parted slightly, leaning back against the wheelchair. 

"(M/N)?" He asked, standing up to face his lover.

"(M/N!" He panicked, searching for a sign of life, none existing. 

"No. No! Please don't leave me!" He sobbed, collapsing in front of (M/N)'s cold body.

People looked over, watching as Oikawa sobbed into (M/N)'s thighs. He cried and cried, not caring who saw. 

The sound of sirens rang through his ears as he clutched at the corpse in front of him. 

"I love you, (M/N)." He whispered through his tears, as he stood, watching the ambulance drive away. 

"Thank you for loving me." He looked up at the sky, a single star twinkling brightly. 


Sorry that this is short. Tbh, this was a little inspired by In Another Life, but it sucked so sorry for that. Anyway, please stay safe and healthy. I love you all!
                  -Luna 0.07

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