Suna Rintaro- The Net Between Us

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Warnings:  Kind of enemies to lovers but not really

Third Person POV:

The big day had finally arrived. The deciding choice for Nationals. Suna stood hunched over, watching the other team warm up on the court. 

(M/N) the star, the ace of Bridow Academy. A huge academic school and apparently so with volleyball as well. Suna clenched his jaw watching the annoying fine man spike the ball smoothly from different tempos, making him worry.

His annoyance was dropped when a cold hand pressed on his shoulder.

"Calm down Sunarin. You'll be fine. I swear." Osamu spoke calmly, though his voice struggling to repress the nervous quaver in his words.

"I know. I know. Let's just go warm up." The brunette walked away in a huff, jumping at the now empty net, working on height and adjustability, preparing for the powerful spikes he'd have to block.

Osamu and Atsumu passed with each other occasionally, spiking it at one another, forcing a dive of a sort. 

The rest of the team partnered up as well, leaving Suna alone as one of the players was sick and couldn't join them, to his annoyance.

Just when things couldn't get any 'better', (L/N) walked up, wrapping his fingers in the net, staring at a zoned out Suna.

"If you keep staring you'll hurt your eyes. You're gonna need them to block me." He winked cockily at me, earning a scoff, arms crossing in anger.

"Ah thanks for the tip, ace." He mocked, turning away to pass with the Miya twins.


Set one 27-25- Inarizaki

I thought you were the ace?" Suna smirked, questioning (L/N) trying to get in his head. To his frustration, it didn't work, he simply smiled nicely at him.

"I sure am Suna." That name rolled of his tongue easy, too easy for Suna's comfort. His stomach dropped slightly, nerves beginning to peak.

"Ego much." He muttered under his breath, facing away from (L/N).

"You're talking princess?" He stifled a laugh, making Suna feel shameful. 

What did he have to be shameful for? 

Set two 25-21 Bridow Academy

'Fuck' Suna thought, shaking out his ankle in pain, sitting on the bench, preparing himself for a super tough 3rd set.

He glanced over at the bench beside him, (L/N) noticing and winking at him. Suna groaned in disgust, knowing if this match ended badly, he would never hear the end of it.


Set 3 12-11 Bridow Academy

Suna grunted in pain as he jumped up to block his opponents spike, blocking it successfully, earning a point. As his feet landed his ankle snapped, jolting to one side, forcing his fall. 

"Shit."He groaned, clutching at his ankle.

"Suna. Are you okay!?" Akagi asked nervously knowing that their star blocker just completely blew his ankle.

"Yep." He spoke surely, as his team surrounded him. He used his hands and his left foot to push himself off the ground. As soon as he tried to put weight on it, he winced, overwhelming pain throbbing in his ankle.

"Fuck. You blew your ankle Suna." Osamu pointed out the obvious. Kita asked for a sub, referee kindly granted them the right. Suna practically collapsed on the bench, gut-wrenching pain swelling in his right ankle.

"I blew my ankle coach. " He groaned, forcing tears back.

He wrapped ice around his ankle as he watched the game nervously, left leg shaking in stress.

End 18-16 Bridow Academy.

Suna's tears threatened to fall as his team began to load into the bus, though Suna decided against the bus and said he'd rather ride home with his parents. He did this mainly to avoid getting emotionally shat on by his team.

He waved by as his team drove off, still no idea where his parents were lurking. 

Suna stood awkwardly, gripping his crutches tightly in embarrassment and annoyance.

He hobbled his way over to an empty bench, squat between a bush and a trashcan. He threw his bag beside him, regret coating his face. There must've been a way to prevent this he thought. Though he couldn't think much longer when a lone Bridow player came jogging over to the injured boy, (L/N)(M/N).

"How's your ankle? It looked really painful." He spoke, seeming genuine, rubbing his hand threw his hair nervously.

"Yeah it's completely broken. " I groaned, looking past him, trying to avoid eye contact.

"You played great today, if that makes you feel better." He smiled, letting out a small breathy laugh.

Suna took the time to look at him. He had beautiful eyes and a muscular yet soft build. A small blush rose to his cheeks, looking away, pretending to look for his parents.

"You played well, too. Your spikes are killer. You could probably go pro if you tried hard enough." I complimented him. His cheeks went pink as he wrapped his hands around each other. 

"Thanks. You're cool. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime, seeing that we don't live to far from each other." He asked, thinking it was a long shot.

"Sure. Here take my number." Suna handed (M/N) his phone, showing his phone number. (M/N) wrote it in and smiled. 

"I'll guess I'll see you around Suna." He smiled, giving me my phone back before running over to his car.

Suna felt giddy inside unable to hide such a big smile right after a big loss. He isn't even bothered by the fact that he's befriending the enemy. 

The net between them isn't thick enough to break a bond that will last forever.


I hope you enjoyed this Suna oneshot. I literally love him. I had so much fun writing this one, so I hope you like it. Be safe and healthy. Have a gorgeous day/night! Love you all <3

           -Luna O[<


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