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It's been a week since I opened the diary. I was a little in shock. I was considering whether I should read it or not. Yes, I am very curious about the life of my mother. But I don't want to ruin any relationship because of the secrets I might find out.

I carried the diary with me everywhere, in case I did want to start reading it. Draco asked me about it. I told him I didn't know what to do. He told me I should read it. Better know the truth now than in a few years, when I might not be able to change anything.

I was sitting in the garden, it was pretty empty. A few Gryffindors from my year where walking around, but they didn't look up to me.

I sat down against a tree. I grabbed the diary out of my bag. I looked at it for a few seconds, and then decided to open it.

do not touch.

April 23, 1979
Dear child,

I just found out I'm pregnant with you. 3 weeks along. Your Severus's child. We had just broke up yesterday. I think I'm going to tell him tomorrow. I just need some time to process this.

I'll just keep this diary as long as I can. One day I'll give it to you, and you can read everything that happened during my pregnancy.

I already love you. And you're not even a living person yet. I promise, I'll tell you more about your father later. I have to go now.

Love, Mom.


May 7, 1979
Dear child,

The last few weeks have been busy. I'm now 5 weeks pregnant with you. I've told Severus I'm carrying his child. He couldn't believe it. He told me he wasn't ready to raise a child. He doesn't want anything to do with you. I'm okay with it, I can raise you on my own.

I guess I'll tell you some things about your dad. He's been in love with this girl, Lily Evans. I knew he had something for her, but since she dated James Potter I hadn't heard him talk about her. We were a strong couple, we had a relationship for almost 6 months.

Everything was going great, until he found out Lily and James were getting married. He got so angry at me, as if I did it. He began throwing spells at me. I guess he forgot that I have much more power than him. He left.

The next morning he was standing at the door, begging me to forgive him. I didn't. I broke up with him. He then left. I didn't hear from him anymore.

The day after I did a pregnancy test. I was late on my period and had a few symptoms, which I didn't catch earlier until I thought about it. I found out I was pregnant with you.

Your father is a coward. Sorry, no explanation. He's a coward because he thinks he's better than everyone, but when someone has more power he runs away. He's never up for competition. He just watches. He's a watcher.

I, on the other hand, am a competitor. I compete. I don't think I'm better, I don't run away when someone is better than me, I compete. And if I lose, it's ok. I don't run. I compete. I'm a competitor.

And you. I want you to be a competitor too. Don't give up too easily. Don't be like your father. Be like me. Compete.

Love, Mom.

I close the diary. I'll continue another time. It'll be a lot easier to take everything in then.

[a/n] Cynthia was created by me, by the way. I made her up. For anyone who was wondering :)

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