❥ 11 ❥

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YN entered in the room and saw Seokjin half naked. She immediately turned her face to the other side and called Seokjin.

YN: ( She clears her throat ) Mr- Mr. Kim!

Seokjin: ( He turns his back and looks at YN ) You! ( He immediately takes his shirt from the bed and wears it. )

YN: Your dinner is here.

Seokjin: Oh! Tha-Thank you! But I will not have my dinner here.

YN: Oh okay then I will place your dinner on the dining table.

Seokjin: Hmm!

YN: And yes I called Mr. Yeonjun, he said that he is on the way to your house.

Seokjin: Oh! Okay!

YN: Don't trouble yourself Mr. Kim, Mr. Yeonjun will come and apply the ointment on your back. Or ( She paused for a couple of seconds. ) Or do you want me to help you? ( She teases him )

Seokjin: ( His eyes widened ) Wh-what?

YN: ( She starts laughing ) Look at your face! Don't worry I will not touch you, Mr. Kim. Aish you are so cute. You know- ( Her phone ring cuts her off. She looks at Seokjin and excuses herself. ) Excuse me.

Seokjin: ( He nods his head )


YN left Seokjin's room.

Seokjin: ( He sighs and sits on his bed ) She looks very scary sometimes.

Seokjin: ( He sighs and sits on his bed ) She looks very scary sometimes

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Meanwhile, YN receives the call.


YN: Hello!

???: Please come here YN.

YN: Why? What happened? Is everything alright?

???: Nothing is okay. Doctors are saying that she might not get up now.

YN: Wh- what?

???: Please come here and do something.

YN: Don't worry I will come there. And don't panic okay?

???: Okay!



YN searches Hoseok's number on her mobile phone and calls him.


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