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----Chef's Kitchen----

Yeonjun: This is so unprofessional. Who keeps a meeting in a restaurant?

Seokjin: Kim Seokjin ( He said coldly while scrolling on his phone )

Yeonjun: ( He rolls his eyes ) I don't know what's wrong with you these days.

Seokjin: Why Mr. Han is not here yet?

Yeonjun: I will call and ask his secretary.

Seokjin: Hmm!

----2 Minutes Later----

Yeonjun: Mr. Han's secretary said that they will reach here in 5 minutes.

Seokjin: Okay!


A couple of minutes later Yeonjun saw Yoongi entering the restaurant.

Yeonjun: Mr. Kim look there at the entrance.

Seokjin: ( He looks at the entrance )

Yeonjun: He is Mr. Min. But what he is doing here?

Seokjin: How do you know him?

Yeonjun: Did you forget I was the one who told you about him?

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Yeonjun: Did you forget I was the one who told you about him?

Seokjin: No! I meant how do you know how he looks?

Yeonjun: Mr. Kim, something name google exists in this world do you know that? ( He asked sarcastically )

Seokjin: Why did you search him on google?

Yeonjun: For business purpose.

Seokjin: Really? ( He asks suspiciously )

Yeonjun: Mr. Kim what's wrong with you? ( He asked annoyingly ) You are giving me a typical wife vibe these days.

Seokjin: Shut up and let me concentrate on him.

Yeonjun: Are you here to concentrate on Mr. Min or to have a meeting with Mr. Han?

Seokjin: Both

Yeonjun: What? ( He frowned his eyebrows )

Seokjin: ( He clears his throat ) Nothing

Yeonjun: ( He saw YN entering the restaurant ) Ooh~ ( He looks at Seokjin and smirks ) Now I got it why you wanted to have a meeting here.

Seokjin: ( He looks everywhere but Yeonjun ) You are overthinking.

Yeonjun: Overthinking? ( He scoffs ) Hyung I know you for many years. So no need to lie in front of me.

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