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Yeonjun: He is Kim Jae. My Hyung's father.

YN: ( Her eyes widened ) What?

Yeonjun: Yes! And the papers Mr. Yun wants sign on must be the property papers and some other legal documents. 

And I guess he also wants all the shares to be transferred to his name.

YN: Yun is doing all this for the property?

Yeonjun: Maybe yes!

YN: I think Mr. Jae didn't sign on the papers yet.

Yeonjun: Even if he had signed then it's of no use now.

YN: ( She frowns her eyebrows ) Why?

Yeonjun: Cause uncle Jae doesn't own the property and shares now.

Yeonjun: Cause uncle Jae doesn't own the property and shares now

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YN: They who owns it?

Yeonjun: Seokjin Hyung!

YN: Wait for a second, first, you tell me why you call Mr. Kim, Hyung.

Do you both have any other relationship between you two apart from Boss and secretary?

Yeonjun: Yes you can say that.

YN: What do you mean?

Yeonjun: My eomma took care of Seokjin Hyung after uncle Jae divorced Hyung's mother.

My eomma believed Hyung when his own mother refused to believe him.

YN: Believe what?

Yeonjun: That Miss Emily- ( He stops speaking and sighs heavily )

YN: Why Mrs. Yun didn't believe Mr. Kim?

Yeonjun: ( He sits on the couch ) Take a seat I will tell you everything.

YN: Yes! ( She took a seat and look at Yeonjun ) If you don't mind can you tell me everything from the start?

Yeonjun: Yes! Few years ago uncle Jae caught Mrs. Kim & Mr. Yun together alone in Mr. Yun's house in a state which they shouldn't has to be.

After seeing Mrs. Kim in another man's house uncle Jae got very angry and left from there.

After a week or something uncle Jae got to know that Mrs. Kim was pregnant.

He got furious after knowing this. He thought that kid is of Mr. Yun. So he decided to divorce Mrs. Kim without listening to her side. Hyung was 6 years old at that time.

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