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Mrs. Yun: This is wrong Jae.

Kim Jae: WHO ARE YOU TO SAY THAT I'M WRONG?! ( He shouted )

Seokjin / Taehyung / Mrs. Yun: ( They flinched )

Kim Jae: The woman who cheated on her husband and never trusted her son is saying that I am wrong?

Mrs. Yun: I never cheated on you, Jae. It was just a misunderstanding. I tried to talk to you about those things which happened that day. But you never listen to me.

You believed Taehyung is your son when you did the DNA test.

Jae, I never cheated on you trust me please ( She said while crying )

Taehyung: Eomma! ( He hugs Mrs. Yun )

Kim Jae: Let's say you never cheated on me but then why did you get married to Yun?

Mrs. Yun: Cause that time you were not ready to accept Taehyung as your son and you also throw me out of your house.

After that, I didn't know where to go. That's why I went to Yun.

Kim Jae: ( He laughs mockingly ) You could have gone to your dad's house but no, you went to that Yun.

Mrs. Yun: I wanted to give Taehyung a better life.

Kim Jae: ENOUGH! ( He shouted again ) Stop giving me stupid excuses and get out of here.

Mrs. Yun: Jae please listen to me.

Kim Jae: There is nothing left to listen to now.


Suddenly a woman entered Kim's Mansion and walked toward Seokjin.

Seokjin started stepping backward.

Seokjin: Wh- Why are you here?

Emily: ( She kneels in front of everyone ) I'm sorry Seokjin

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Emily: ( She kneels in front of everyone ) I'm sorry Seokjin.

Kim Jae: What's with this drama now?

Emily: It's not a drama. ( She looks at Seokjin ) Seokjin forgive me please I will never trouble you again.

Please don't send me behind bars. Tell YN to delete that video. I promise I will never come into your life again.

----Emily's Flashback----


Emily: Hello! Who is this?

YN: Annyeong aunty Emily.

Emily: Who are you?

YN: Did you forget me? I am Kim YN

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