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Seokjin: Where are you going? ( His voice came out as a hoarse whisper )

YN: I will go and ask Mrs. Yun whether she has some medicines for cold.

Seokjin: No! I don't want anything from that woman.

YN: Mr. Kim please don't be so stubborn.

Seokjin: Don't make me repeat, Miss YN ( He said in a raspy tone )

YN: Fine! But at least let me go and check my handbag. I might have fever medicine in my bag.

Seokjin: Hmm! ( He leaves YN's hand )


YN goes and checks her handbag.

Luckily she found fever medicine in her handbag.

YN: Mr. Kim I have fever medicine.

( She keeps the medicine on the nightstand and looks at Seokjin ) I will go and bring a glass of water for you.

Seokjin: ( He nods his head )


After YN brought a glass of water, Seokjin took the medicine.

YN: Now go to sleep. You will feel better by tomorrow morning.

Seokjin: ( He nods his head and lies down ) But I am feeling cold.

YN: Ohh! Umm... Take my blanket too ( She tucks Seokjin in the blanket ) Are you feeling cold now?

Seokjin: ( He nods his head ) I am feeling cold from inside.

YN: Ohh! ( She thinks for a couple of minutes and says... ) Then we have only one way.

Seokjin: What is it?

Seokjin: What is it?

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YN gets inside Seokjin's blanket and hugs him.

Seokjin: Wh- What are you doing, Miss YN?

YN: Didn't you say you feel cold from the inside?

Seokjin: Y- Yes!

YN: So if I hug you like this and give you my body heat then you will not feel too cold from inside. Cause hugging can reduce cold.

Seokjin: Are you sure you are not doing this to get closer to me?

YN: ( She glares at Seokjin ) Then die in cold ( She breaks the hug )

Seokjin: Aniyo ( He pulls YN back )


When Seokjin suddenly pulled YN towards him, their lips touched each other.

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