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YN entered the study room and saw Seokjin lying on the floor.

YN: ( She run towards Seokjin and shakes his body ) Mr. Kim! Mr. Kim are you okay?

Seokjin: ( He lazily opens his eyes ) Miss ( Hiccup ) YN ( He smiles looking at YN )

YN: ( She frowns her eyebrows ) Are you drunk Mr. Kim?

Seokjin: Noo! ( He tries to get up )

YN: Be careful ( She helps him to get up )

Seokjin: I'm NoT ( Hiccup ) DrUnK.

YN: Yeah I can see that Mr. Kim ( She scoffs )

Seokjin: Mr. KiM? ( Hiccup ) DoN't caLL mE Mr. KiM.

YN: Then what should I call you?


Seokjin pulls YN towards him. Due to force, YN landed on his chest.

Seokjin: CaLL Me ( He looks at YN and smiles like a fool ) CaLL mE JaGiYa.

Seokjin: CaLL Me ( He looks at YN and smiles like a fool ) CaLL mE JaGiYa

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YN: Jagiya? ( Her eyes widened ) Mr. Kim, you are drunk. Let's go to your room ( She sneaks her hand around Seokjin's waist and helps him to stand properly )

Seokjin: It's NoT mY RoOm. ( Hiccup ) It's OuR rOoM ( He blushed )

YN: Yeah! Now let's go to our room.

Seokjin: ( Suddenly he pinned YN on the wall ) WhY aRe YoU TaKiNg mE To OuR rOoM? ( He smirks ) WhAt ArE yOuR iNtEntiOnS MrS. Kim?


YN's eyes widened after listening to Seokjin.

She pushed Seokjin a little and free herself from his grip.

When YN pushed Seokjin, Seokjin lost his balance and was about to fall but YN immediately holds Seokjin by his waist.

YN: Why did you drink so much Mr. Kim? ( She asked annoyingly )

Seokjin: CaLL mE JaGiYa, PriNcEsS!

YN: ( Her eyes widened again ) Prin- Princess?

Seokjin: No! NoT PriNcEsS. YoUr mY ( He cups YN's cheeks ) YoUr mY LoVely WifEy ( He smiles and kisses YN's forehead )

YN: ( She looks at him in surprise ) Mr. Kim you are so drunk ( She pauses for a couple of seconds and says... ) So much that you forgot you have gynophobia.

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