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Seokjin: Miss YN, I want to ask you something.

YN: What is it?

Seokjin: ( He clears his throat ) W- Will you m- marry me?

YN: What did you say?

Seokjin: Will y- you m- marry me?

YN: ( She blinks her eyes twice and says... ) Let me think ( She pretends that she is thinking ) Mr. Kim I will...

Seokjin: ( He looks at YN nervously )

YN: I will tell you my answer tomorrow. Bye! Good night!


After saying that YN steps down from Seokjin's car and left from there.

Seokjin: Can't she answer my question now? My heart was about to jump out of my chest when I ask her "Will you marry me?" And she just left without answering me?!

This is not fair ( He whines )

----Next Day----


----Kim's Mansion----

Living Room

Seokjin: Miss YN still didn't let me know her answer yet. What is she up to now? ( He asked himself )

 What is she up to now? ( He asked himself )

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Seokjin gets up from the couch and heads toward his bedroom.

Suddenly he stops walking when hears the doorbell.

Seokjin walks back to the living room and opens the door.

Seokjin: Appa! Where did you go?

Kim Jae: ( He walks inside the house ) I went to set up your marriage.

Seokjin: ( His eyes widened ) Wh- What? With whom? And Why? ( He pauses for a couple of seconds and says... ) Appa you know that I- ( Kim Jae cuts him off )

Kim Jae: You what?

Seokjin: ( He lowers his head ) Appa you know that I love Miss YN, right? ( He asked in a low tone )

Kim Jae: Yes!

Seokjin: ( He looks at Kim Jae ) Then why did you set up my marriage with someone else?

Kim Jae: When did I say that I set up your marriage with someone whom you don't love?

Seokjin: ( He frowns his eyebrows ) W- What?

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