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----Kim's Mansion----

Seokjin's Room


Seokjin: ( He looks into the mirror ) How can I have a dream like that? Am I out of my mind?

( He pauses for a couple of seconds and says... ) But it felt so real. I wish that dream was real too ( He blushed and immediately shook his head vigorously ) What's wrong with me?

( He looks into the mirror ) Yaah! Kim Seokjin, you are turning into a pervert.

( He looks into the mirror ) Yaah! Kim Seokjin, you are turning into a pervert

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Seokjin: Miss YN is your contract wife don't forget that.

( He takes a deep breath ) Yes! She is my contract wife.

( He lowers his head and sighs ) Why does it hurt when I said Miss YN is my contract wife?

I should talk about this to someone. But with whom should I talk? ( He thinks for a couple of seconds ) Mr. Choi? Aniyo! That guy is crazy and sometimes scary too.

Should I ask Namjoon?

No! I can't disturb him again. He already wasted his time searching for my father.

( He bites his lower lip ) Who should I talk to about this then?

( He thinks for a while and sighs ) I don't have anyone else to share my thoughts with other than Namjoon and Mr. Choi.

I don't have any option now ( He looks into the mirror ) Kim Seokjin, let's talk to Mr. Choi about this.


Meanwhile, YN's phone starts ringing.

YN: ( She takes her phone and checks the caller Id ) Hoseok?


YN receives the call and places her phone on her ear.

YN: Hello!


Mr. Yun immediately recognized YN's voice.

Meanwhile, Hoseok shut his eyes in defeat.


Mr. Yun: Park YN!

YN: ( She frowns ) Yun?

Mr. Yun: You recognized me?

YN: Why are you having my friend's phone?

Mr. Yun: ( He looks at Hoseok and smirks ) So Detective Jung Hoseok is your friend?

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