Chapter 1: Cold palace

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Autumn in the Otsu Dynasty is extremely cold, different from the cold winter wind, but a desolation of autumn leaves rolling, sobbing around in my heart very uncomfortable.

Today is a gloomy and cold day, and Lenggong is even more gloomy and clear, except for a few dead trees in front of the door rustling in the wind, not even a crow will fly here.

Tang Zhuozuo was lying on the shabby bed. She looked out the window and coughed violently. An Xia went out to fetch her water, and when she heard her coughing, she hurried back into the house and saw her. He looked a little frightened.

The woman lying on the thick solid wood slab bed was pale as paper, her thin face was not as big as a palm, her eyes softened as she had never seen before with her scattered long hair draped over her shoulders and head.

An Xia hurriedly handed over a veil, her face was full of worry.

Tang Zhuozuo's stomach turned over, pain and numbness. After his breathing calmed down, he took a look at the veil. The puddle of black blood was stained on the originally washed white Supa, and there was even a shape. Blood clot.

An Xia immediately covered her mouth and whimpered. She slumped down in front of Tang Zhuozuo, took the kerchief in her hand, and pleaded in a low voice: "Mother, you are all sick like this, go back and take care of your majesty. Please, slave and maid."

Tang Zhuozuo listened to her. There was no fluctuation in her eyes like clear water. He just lifted her arms as thin as dry wood and rubbed An Xia's head, and said slowly: "In the past few years, cough, cough, You have suffered with me."

An Xia squeezed the square kerchief so hard that it turned white, wiped away her tears and shook her head and said, "The maidservant treats the slave and maidservant very well, and the slave is not bitter."

After speaking, he hurriedly went out to wash the kerchief, and then brought in a basin of water: "Niang, you can rinse your mouth."

Tang Zhuozhuo tugged at the corner of his mouth, nodded slightly and smiled.

Dark clouds soon enveloped the sky of Lenggong, and it seemed that a storm was approaching. Tang Zhuozhuo's complexion was a little bit painful, and the clammy pain in her bones began to cause trouble again. Her black and shiny temples were a little wet because of forbearance, and even every breath was painful.

"An Xia, don't be busy and talk to me." Tang Zhuozhuo's voice was a little weak, but An Xia very obediently moved a small stool with half a leg missing and guarded Tang Zhuozhuo's bed.

Thinking of the sound of thunder outside, Tang Zhuozhuo glanced at it and pointed to the bare tree outside the window and said: "I still remember that when I just came in, this jujube tree grew very well, but it has become like this now."

Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, three years have really changed a lot of things.

An Xia followed her words with emotion, "The servant girl remembered that the maidservant had beaten the date with the servant girl once, and the sweetness was crispy."

Tang Zhuozuo's eyes darkened, and she had only entered the Leng Palace at that time. Her temperament was not a master who could be born in peace, and she did a lot of fun while suffering. But as she stayed for a long time, her enthusiasm, restlessness and anxiety all accumulated, as if she had changed.

She was born with a status of pampering and superiority. As soon as she got married, she was gifted by the first emperor to marry the prince, who is now Emperor Chongjian. When the first emperor died, she became the lord of the middle palace in the world of maternal rituals. Say.

But with such a noble status, she still entered the cold palace.

Tang Zhuozuo didn't know what he was thinking of, and he lifted a strand of long hair in his ear, smiling shyly: "I don't know how he's doing."

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