Chapter 95: End of text

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After returning to the palace that day, the biggest snow of the year fell immediately. It was two days at a time. The tiles that used to shine in the sun were now covered with a thick layer of snow. The temperature dropped sharply and the snow on the branches of the trees. The water condensed into icicles and fell all together.

In the Changchun Palace, Tang Zhuozhuo's slender fingers held a black stone, and the palace was warm, she lifted her chin slightly, and the chess landed on a corner of the chessboard.

The man sitting across from her raised his eyebrows, and looked at her holding Poo Tang in her arms, looking too lazy. He dropped the last one and ended the game.

Tang Zhuozuo swept his sleeves and messed up the chessboard, resting his cheeks in his jade hands, and said, "Why did your majesty lose in the hands of his concubines?"

The little guy has no face and skin, and the black ones are all described as white. It is clear that they are entangled in the game, and they have to shame when it comes to the end.

The incense in the temple was removed at some point, and there was no longer the warm fragrance of the previous one, but the little girl was really wrapped in her arms and kissed the corner of her eye, only to smell the more obvious milk fragrance on her body.

"How to be like a kid?"

He hugged his arms tighter, lowered his head, put his chin on Tang Zhuozhuo's head, and asked with a smile, "What about a great gift for me? Little liar, huh?"

Tang Zhuozhuo glanced at him with a smile, and said, "I will tell you after the palace banquet in the evening."

The birthday of the emperor is not a trivial matter. The Ministry of Ritual has planned this matter early, and arranged it inside and outside the palace.

At night, it was strangely cold. Tang Zhuozhuo became lazier and lazier. The whole palace banquet, sitting on the top and looking down, chatting and laughing, but only saw Liuli who had just married into the Hou Mansion. The latter blinked at her when no one was paying attention. .

The smile on Tang Zhuozhuo's lips became stronger.

After returning to the Changchun Palace, the slightly drunken man hugged her from behind by drinking Jin, making a fuss of breathing and became anxious.

Tang Zhuozhuo smiled and held his face, and asked, "The emperor doesn't want to know what kind of gift the concubine prepared?"

Huo Qiu had deep eyebrows and smiled without saying a word. After a while, he leaned over under the bright eyes of the little woman and lightly pecked her white forehead, his voice hoarse, and said: "No gift, what Gifts are not as good as Jiaojiao by her side."

For some reason, the man would pop out one or two affectionate words from time to time on weekdays, but today's sentence actually made her want to cry.

The smell of alcohol on the man's body is not very strong, it has a faintly clear smell. In addition, there is a lingering fragrance of Zimo bamboo, which is very warm. Tang Zhuo turns his head and smiles very openly. "But the concubine prepared for a long time. Up."

Huo Qiu hummed from his nose, loosened the hand around her slender waist, raised his eyes and nodded slightly, "That must be a good look."

His eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he had an illusion of nowhere to dodge when he was stared at, but Tang Zhuozuo didn't care. The silver bells jingled on his snow-white ankles, making people tremble.

Huo Qiu stood up straight after drinking, frowned deeply as if feeling, but didn't see anything different beside her, until the little woman smiled and shook his hand.

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