Chapter 15: Arrogant

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In the next two days, Huo Qiu was not seen.

But the sky is getting hotter, the Biqing sky is cloudless, and the scorching sun becomes more presumptuous. People just stand outside in such a sky for a while, and they will get heat.

Tang Zhuozhuo stayed in Yiqiu Palace all day, and didn't want to move around due to the weather, so he was happy and relaxed.

At the time of the end of June and the beginning of July, the crape myrtle in the yard opened later than in previous years. I thought it would not open, but I didn't want to bloom with silky fragrance on this day.

An Xia held a handful of the fresh rose that had been picked off, and then carefully removed the thorns from the branches before entering the inner hall.

Tang Zhuozhuo was lying on a comfortable recliner and swayed slightly, his slender body was even smaller when viewed from a distance, but the color was beautiful and eye-catching, and there were several ice basins behind him, with a hint of coolness. The sweetness comes out.

Seeing An Xia coming in with the flowers in her arms, she couldn't help but smile, "This rose is very tender, so I went to the garden to pick it?"

"Hua Jiao, people are more delicate."

Seeing An Xia stomping in shame, Tang Zhuozhuo turned his head and asked Zihuan, who had been waiting behind him: "You see she is still annoyed. Does this palace make sense?"

Zihuan is a grand palace lady who has only been selected in the past few days. She is a delicate mind. Now she pursed her lips slightly, but also smiled: "The mother said this, it is natural."

Tang Zhuozhuo got up slightly, and the aqua-colored long sleeves flicked, revealing a small piece of white lotus-like skin. The coral wrists lined her with whiter skin, and even her expression became more lazy.

An Xia inserted the rose into the jade-white porcelain bottle, turned around to see Tang Zhuozhuo getting up, and then looking at the sky outside her eyes, she couldn't help but say, "Is the mother going to prescribe dinner?"

Tang Zhuozhuo's slender fingers stroked the rose petals, her slightly cool and soft touch made her squint comfortably, and then nodded.

"By the way, the letter that my palace asked someone to give to Daddy, can it be sent out?"

Now it is the time of trouble, the Tang Mansion standing in the team is naturally not very stable, there are villains inside, and the prince outside is watching, and every move must be extra careful.

What she wrote in her letter was unusual, but some trivial matters in the palace, but there was another secret in it. What she wanted to warn her father and brother was hidden inside.

As long as the letter is sent out, they will naturally understand.

An Xia's expression also became serious: "Mother, don't worry, she asked the small cabinet to get out of the waterwheel when leaving the palace. At this hour, the letter should be in the hands of the master."

Only then did Tang Zhuozuo burst into a smile, and his slender body drew a unique curve, covering his lips and yawning.

At this moment, a familiar shrill voice came out, with a usual grin.

"Princess Concubine, the servant, on the orders of your Highness, invites the empress to eat in the main hall."

As night fell quietly, Tang Zhuozuo arrived at the exceptionally magnificent main hall when he left for a while.

Zhang Desheng had been waiting outside for a long time, and when she saw her coming, he hurriedly greeted her with a smile: "My lady is here, your Royal Highness is waiting inside."

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