Chapter 29

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Tang Zhuozuo returned to Yiqiu Hall before the dusk fell because he was about to set off to Xijiangdi on the second day. As soon as he entered, he saw An Xia replaced the fragrant roses that were originally inserted in the temple with water and dew. In the rose season, the hall suddenly became bright.

Zihuan supported her to rest on the soft couch while handing a cup of warm tea.

Tang Zhuozhuo let out a breath, relaxed, and didn't even want to open his eyes.

"Everything is packed?" She rubbed her forehead and asked, her voice slightly tired.

Isn't it fair and honest that she went to Xijiang with Huo Qiu, she had to steal it, she couldn't show her face, so the people who knew it were also two grand ladies. The rest of the waiters just thought she was packing up and preparing to go to the temple. Up.

Zi Huan nodded, and replied softly: "Niang Niang, everything is packed."

Actually nothing.

After that, she leaned in Tang Zhuozhuo's ear and said a few more words. The latter's originally lazy face slowly formed a smile, and a strange light flashed under her eyes, and said playfully: "She still has the guts? "

In contrast, Zihuan was very worried, looking at the appearance of her master without any panic, a little anxious, and said: "Manny, we have to guard against!"

"Um..." Tang Zhuozhuoyu put his cheeks in his hands, set off a face that was more than Huajiao, and said slightly innocently: "We can say that this matter is unfounded, it's better to tell your Highness."

She raised Yang Yu's hand, her voice was crisp with an imperceptible chill: "Send someone to the main hall for a walk."

Huo Qiu, who had just left the study to take a bath, frowned after hearing Zhang Desheng's request.

"The princess sent someone to say it?" The light in his eyes was a little deep, and he immediately asked with dissatisfaction: "Why didn't you see her by herself?"

The smile on Zhang Desheng's face was stagnant, and then he tentatively said: "The lady just came this afternoon..."

After all, he couldn't continue, under Huo Qiu's gaze, he silently shut up.

When the master heard that the prince was not here, his face looked cold!

In the past, when the two were irritated and awkward, the prince became angry at every turn, but after this reconciliation, his complexion is not much better!

Huo Qiu turned a small string of Buddhist beads in his hand, his expression changed slightly.

"Let's go."

Zhang Desheng flicked a whisk to follow, "His Royal Highness, are we going to Yiqiu Palace?"

"Go to Yuxi Palace."

The night is like an endless black cloth, without letting go of any corner, the bright palace in the day has converged its light, becoming silent and restrained.

When Huo Qiu and others arrived at Yuxi Palace, Zhong Yuxi announced dinner. Hearing the orders from the servants, he couldn't tell the truth from the false for a while.

It was Su'er who called her softly before she was relieved. The joy on her face could hardly be hidden, but she still went out of the inner hall to greet her with extreme solemnity.

Not unlucky in my heart.

Tang Zhuozuo really couldn't grasp the man's heart. His Royal Highness just took a look at her good skin, and the freshness passed, didn't he come to her palace?

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