Chapter 96: Steamed Bun

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The twelfth lunar month of the winter, New Year's Eve, is the most difficult time of the year. It only snowed yesterday, and now it is white outside.

Tang Zhuozhuo was lying on a soft chair in the Changchun Palace, with a milk doll carved in pink jade in his arms. The hall was scented with special fruity aromas, and the earth dragon burned extremely vigorously. Get drowsy.

She gently put the medical skills in her hand on the table, and covered Yi'an with a small blanket, before closing her eyes, she took a nap in the soft chair.

The cold snow began to melt, and there was a light rain outside this time, and I felt pain in my bones.

When Huo Qiu and Huo Yunyu walked in side by side, their mother and daughter were already asleep.

The young prince couldn't stretch it any more, and he was about to run over. Huo Qiu frowned and raised him back. The latter swept over with a stern look, and Huo Yunyu had to obediently stand beside the carbon fire and walk outside. The chill that brought it dissipated.

When his little hands were warm, he walked around the screen in three and two steps, approached Tang Zhuozhuo, and rubbed his sister's red sleeping face.

Tang Zhuozhuo had slept shallowly, so he woke up naturally after such a trouble. He raised his head and saw the pacing man, and then he smiled and frowned, his voice soft and hoarse after going to bed. "The emperor will soon take Yi'an away, and his concubines' hands are numb."

Huo Qiu raised his eyebrows, and took the milky and milky meatballs out of her mother's arms. The stretched face suddenly stretched out, and he couldn't help but pecked on the tender little face of the girl. .

Huo Yunyu stood beside Tang Zhuozuo, humming coldly, extremely uncomfortable with Emperor Chongjian's differentiated treatment.

The difference is so clear that it's a pity.

"What happened to Yun Yu today? I've been unhappy since I went out in the morning." Tang Zhuozuo asked with a smile, poking his face that looked like his father.

At this time, Yi An woke up in Huo Qiu's arms, groaned twice, rubbed his eyes and said with a waxy voice: "Yian knows that sister Xiaoxiao went back today, and the emperor is not happy."

The squeamish milky voice echoed in the temple, Tang Zhuozhuo laughed, loosened his wrists, and then squatted down and held her son's little hand. With a smile on his beautiful eyes, he said: "Next, the queen will call Xiaoxiao into the palace. When it came time, she asked her to stay in the palace for a while."

The prince, who has always been steady, blushed, and hummed out with Yi An's little hand.

The smell of incense burning in the hall was long, and Huo Qiu grabbed Tang Zhuozhuo's arms with a long arm. The milk scent on the little woman was exactly the same as that of his daughter, making him feel soft.

"How big and small are so unforgiving?" He let out a few muffled chuckles from his throat, rubbing his cool nose against the soft nape of her neck, feeling her little shiver, and sighing comfortably.

Tang Zhuozhuo couldn't help but stretched out his hand to harass him, "Why is the emperor being so harsh on Yun Yu? The child is still young."

I usually want to take out my heart to my daughter, but I rarely smile to my son.

Huo Qiu listened to her turning around and saying these things day by day, but he still stroked her long hair, and said patiently: "He is a prince, he is talented, and he has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders."

Besides, people who are four or five years old, where are they still young? I think that when he was six or seven years old, he followed Emperor Qiong Yuan to learn everything, and he had to guard against all kinds of open spears and secret arrows, and lived a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife.

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