Chapter 26

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No matter how many times he came back, Huo Qiu would lose in Tang Zhuozuo's clear eyes. Just like that year when she fell into the water, she woke up in his arms in a trance open apricot eyes.

This time is no exception.

The scent of kapok in the temple today is scented with a subtle scent of medicine, which looks like a herbal medicine that has been overturned in the sun.

Huo Qiu did not open his eyes, and also put down his hand on his sleeve robe.

Let her see, she will naturally retract when she is disgusted.

Tang Zhuozhuo tightened his breath, his eyelashes quivered a few times, before he rolled up his black wide sleeves, exposing large pieces of bronze skin.

There are countless purple and black thin lines squirming under the skin, they entangled and twisted, like a stream, rushing and converging to the position of the forearm.

"His Royal Highness... when was this Gu worm planted?" Tang Zhuozhuo's expression became solemn.

Huo Qiu's gaze was torch, and after pursing his lips, he frowned and said, "How do you know this is a Gu worm?"

Tang Zhuozhuo's slender fingers rolled along his tiger's mouth, a slight coolness spread from her fingertips, screaming straight to the bottom of his heart, the light in Huo Qiu's eyes gradually dimmed, and his eyes moved on her. Bright profile face.

"The doctor didn't avoid me when she was talking." She glanced at him quickly, and then pinched the junction of his wrist and forearm accurately, causing him to slightly twist his eyebrows in pain.

"Southern Xinjiang Gu worms are the most vicious. People who are infected usually suffer to death, and there are few ways to relieve the Gu. They were brought into Kyoto by the aristocrats of Southern Xinjiang. What is the feast between your Highness and the people of Southern Xinjiang?"

The flesh under Tang Zhuozhuo's fingertips was as strong as an horned dragon. She lowered her eyes and traced a purple-black line on her skin to the intersection. Her slender index finger was like a white jade flute, and the contrast between white and copper was very sharp.

Huo Qiuyuan's deep and secluded pupils fell down with rustling goose feather snow, Ling Yu brought a little dignity, and looked at her plain and beautiful side face.

The beautiful woman stands tall, gentle and gentle, and her hands are slightly cool and feel like the good warm white jade.

Huo Qiu was suddenly moved, and his Adam's apple rolled up and down.

"The Southern Frontier family is the mother of the concubine Yan."

Tang Zhuozhuo raised her eyes in surprise, and the white fingers moved away from his forearm. Huo Qiu's eyes were extremely dark for a moment. She pursed her lips, and wrapped a strand of long hair on her temples in a circle, entwining it in a delicate circle. On the boneless fingers, a pair of glazed peach eyes gleamed under the candlelight.

When he said this, Tang Zhuozhao's eyebrows frowned fiercely.

Using witchcraft arbitrarily has always been a great taboo of the emperor. After Huo Qiu suffered such a pain, the imperial concubine was still in a high position and nothing happened, naturally, he had not obtained definite evidence.

Tang Zhuozhuo slammed his heart cruelly, disgusting Huo Qi even more.

Brothers can also be used to such a murderous hand, and deserve to be defeated so badly in the previous life.

"That method is too bad for the body after all." Tang Zhuozuo paused when he said, carefully observed his expression, and then deliberately said: "If your Highness can believe it, I can try to solve this Gu."

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