Chapter 81-85

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However, the originally scheduled departure date for return to Beijing was shifted a few days later because of Tang Zhuozuo's waking up, and her body was not suitable for boating.

The scratches on her arms and legs were coated with the best ointment, but they healed quickly, but the roots were injured, and her heart was uncomfortable, and she became thinner.

The third day after Tang Zhuozhao was injured, late at night.

The rain fell from the outside of the tent, soft and soft, but it quickly dyed the green grassland with a hint of yellow, and winter was coming soon.

The autumn wind rustled in, blowing in from the gap of the small window, blowing the candle light on the table to wobbly, Tang Zhuozuo coughed lowly, opened his eyes in the dimness, touched his side, it was cold.

Hearing her coughing, An Xia lifted the curtains to check in uneasy, and saw her sitting on the bed in despair. She couldn't help but walk up a few steps, and asked worriedly: "Manny, what's wrong with her body?"

Tang Zhuozuo felt top-heavy and muddy for the past two days. It seemed like she was awakened by the wind. After a moment of silence, she shook her head, and then said: "Nothing, go and get the bronze mirror."

An Xia didn't know what she was going to do, but obediently raised the bronze mirror on the dressing table to her.

Tang Zhuozuo had many bizarre dreams in his dreams. When he woke up, his face was covered with cold sweat. In addition, the cold wind blew, and it was cold and hot, making it even more embarrassing.

She raised her eyes, and the woman in the mirror also raised her eyes.

The plain white coat, extremely pale face, and even a few strands of wet black hair stuck to the forehead, coupled with such a dim environment, really resembled the harmless female ghost in the book.

Tang Zhuozhuo's slender fingers trembled slightly, and he couldn't see the second glance anymore. He stretched out his hand to flick the mirror away, and the sound of the bronze mirror falling to the ground was clear and loud. An Xia was shocked, for fear that she would cut herself.

When did she become like this?

Don't say it's someone else, even if you look at it for yourself, it will be extremely disgusting.

Tang Zhuozhuo frowned wearily, looked at the black and cyan sky outside, and asked in a dumb voice, "What time is it?"

"Hui Niangniang, when it is only Mao, it is rainy today, and it looks a little gloomy. Niangniang can go to bed again."

Seeing that she was not thinking about Shu, An Xia smiled and said with relief: "The emperor said when he left, come to accompany the empress for lunch."

Tang Zhuozuo shook her head, rubbing her sore eyebrows with her slender fingers. After a while, she raised her head again. This time, a smile finally appeared on her bright white and delicate face.

"I'm not going to sleep. I've seen the sky lying on the bed these few days. I'm tired and lazy." Her warm palms covered her lower abdomen, and finally bowed her head and shrugged her nose, saying: "Let's freshen up. Our palace will wait to see Princess Liuli."

She was lying on the bed these days, no one was paying attention, even Huo Qiu didn't give much look.

She could perceive that every time the man's complexion was a little bit cold, but she repeatedly resisted. When feeding her medicine, she pressed her lips with a cold face, and the medicine was flowing down the corners of her mouth, and he pulled it over. She kissed her face and poured in.

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