Chapter 67-70

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The majestic voice pierced the eardrums, Huo Qiu abruptly paused, hearing the warning of dissatisfaction in the voice of the big worm, deep black gathered in his pupils.

As soon as he stopped, the people behind him naturally did not dare to act rashly.

"Tang Zhuozuo, come back!" The man's voice was full of anger and unknown terror. His hands were shaking when he drew an arrow from behind.

The wind in the forest brought some of the sweetness of the stream, blowing the dead leaves, and it happened to drop a few pieces on the nose of the big insect. It stretched out two big yellow paws to scratch, it was like a childlike child. .

Tang Zhuozhuo saw this, and her brows wrinkled lightly and she relaxed. She knew Huo Qiu's concern and turned and whispered: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Gulu is here to play with his concubines, it doesn't hurt people."

Hearing this, Li Desheng, who had been following Huo Qiu, was almost unsteady, not hurting others? Just after the roar, he even saw the undigested meat foam in its blood basin and its mouth, still stuck in the teeth.

My mother, that's a living beast that doesn't recognize people! How can there be such a psychic who can recognize a few years ago?

Huo Qiu took a deep breath and watched her step by step approach the long worm that looked hard to deal with, and hated her forever disobedient temper.

I want to go forward to protect her and pull people back, but I am afraid that the beast will bite her directly and throw a rat in the end. For the first time in his life, Emperor Chongjian could only sit and wait for such a situation.

The back of the little woman couldn't be more slender. The long wind blew her hair and the silver bells on her snow-white ankles. It was ethereal and quiet. If it weren't for a beast that was as quiet as a cat, Emperor Chong Jian Even to be fascinated again.

Gulu jumped down from the rock, drew a vigorous arc with a light movement, Tang Zhuozhuo's eyes flashed a little tension, seeing it slowly surrounding him, he whispered tentatively: "Guru?"

It suddenly let out a few low roars from its throat, and was not very satisfied with this title.

Tang Zhuozhuo breathed a sigh of relief with the same movements as when she was a child. She bent her eyes slightly, and half of her face was so soft that she didn't like words.

Gulu was rescued by her and Zhu Liu. At that time, she happened to meet the tower curtain. After so long, she still remembered Zhu Liu's blushing face and stumbling forward to talk.

It's just that Gulu's figure is more than five or six times bigger than two years ago, and her long tail swept across Tang Zhuozhuo's heels. She lifted her foot to hide, but Gulu firmly held her foot with two paws.

Everyone suddenly breathed, Huo Qiu narrowed his sword eyes, and the arrow on the string was triggered.

Tang Zhuozuo himself was also taken aback, but he didn't feel any pain when he recovered. Gulu didn't forget to put away its sharp and powerful claws.

It stretched out a front paw and touched the bell on Tang Zhuozhuo's ankle, with a crisp sound that didn't stop for a long time. Seeing its playfulness, Tang Zhuozhuo had to reach out and rub his fat head.

Once the signal is sent out, it must not be long before everyone will gather here. If you see Gulu, there are too many people to worry about her.

Tang Zhuozuo pushed it a few times deep in the forest, and said, "Go back."

When Gulu saw the person he wanted to meet, he was in a very good mood. Finally, he rubbed Tang Zhuozhuo's white and tender hand with his head, groaning in his throat, and finally jumped on a boulder and yelled at the person who shot it. The sound, the roar came far away, when everyone came back to their senses, how could there be any shadow of the big bug?

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