Chapter 3: Concubine

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After eating, Tang Zhuozuo was a little at a loss. Huo Qiu's sense of existence has always been very strong. As soon as her tall body leaned over, she subconsciously dodged her veil with a little wet palm.

In her previous life, she was full of Wang Yi, and she did an excellent job dealing with Huo Qiu. She would never say a word about what she shouldn't say, ask what she answered, and after such a long time, she thought she was disgusted with each other. , The more perfunctory.

But now again, she didn't want to repeat the same mistakes again, but this way of getting along... she was really upset.

Huo Qiu saw her look like this, his eyes could not help but cold, her mind seemed to be written clearly on her face, in vain he still ran here hopefully.

The **** and the court lady stepped back in an orderly manner. Only Huo Qiu and Tang Zhuozhao were left in the hall with their eyes facing each other. The fragrance rose into the air, and was blown away by the cool night wind, leaving no traces.

"Tang's." His heart was burning with anger and jealousy, and his face was naturally not good-looking, and his voice was as cold as the icy edges of thirty or nine days.

Huo Qiu had a sinister temperament, and he killed Guojue. When his face sank in his previous life, even the noisy supervisor in the court didn't dare to say a word. Tang Zhuozuo raised his eyes and looked into his expressionless eyes. Froze.

"The concubine is here." Tang Zhuozhuo obediently responded, and pulled a few strands of broken hair from the sideburns behind his ears, revealing white jade-like ears and ear beads, exuding delicate light.

Huo Qiu's eyes darkened again.

"Gu Ji gave you the status of the prince's wife, you should know what you should have and what you should not have."

Huo Qiu was afraid that she would not listen, and used his tone extremely heavily. When he thought of the portrait he found in her cabinet in the morning, he almost laughed.

His dignified prince Ming Mei is married to his wife, watching the man in the portrait all day to relieve love? No matter how calm and self-reliant he is, he can't bear such a shame.

It was precisely because of this sentence in the previous life that the relationship that was about to freeze was completely broken. Tang Zhuozuo was born in such a family since he was a child, and his temper was naturally unbearable.

Even if that person is Emperor Chongjian.

Now think about it, if he really wants to care, not only himself, but also the Tang family will have to go around.

Tang Zhuozhuo pursed his lips, his eyes fell on his large palms hanging beside him, and his expression was a little dazed. Thinking of the warm temperature when the palms of these two palms were placed on her portrait, it was really astonishing.

"The concubine must keep it in my heart." She met Huo Qiu's temperatureless eyes, and it took a long time to make a soft voice, and her voice echoed in the somewhat empty hall.

From Huo Qiu's point of view, her slender eyelashes fell down, like a row of thick little brushes, and itchy people's hearts.

Huo Qiu's throat was a little itchy, and a hint of surprise slid across his eyes, and the hand hanging on his side tightened and then loosened again.

The hall became extremely quiet for a while, and only faintly could hear one or two cicadas on the treetops outside. Tang Zhuozuo knew what Huo Qiu meant, and it was nothing more than a warning.

She wanted to explain, but when she thought about the painting that caused their dispute, she seemed a little weak.

Huo Qiu looked at the slim woman in front of him, from the delicate face to the slender white neck, to the slender waist that was unbearable to hold, a wave of irritability broke out in his heart, and he forced it down again.

This woman is beautiful everywhere, but she has no conscience.

"There's still something to do with loneliness, let's go first." Huo Qiu took a deep look at her and walked outside. Tang Zhuozuo was startled slightly, his bright eyes dimmed.

No matter, the freezing of three feet is not a day's cold, it should be slowed down. Even if Huo Qiu couldn't give the same affection, she could always do what an Donggong concubine should do.

Thinking about this, Tang Zhuozhuo sighed in his heart, but a few smiles appeared on his face, and he naturally leaned forward: "Send Your Highness."

Huo Qiu frowned when he got to the heavy pearl curtain, and the pair of gold-embroidered boots gave a slight pause. There was an uncontrollable frost in his voice, even his thin jaws jumped tightly. A bit.

"Today, the mighty general Wang Yi asked to marry the second daughter of Hou Ningyuan."

Having said this, he paused, without looking at her expression, his expression was as heavy as a mist: "Father asked Gu's opinion today, and Gu felt good."

Even if she waits for the meeting to make a big fuss, but if this can completely cut off her thoughts, he will still be magnanimous again.

What kind of childhood friendship is nothing in Huo Qiu's eyes. No matter how nice Wang Yi said, when he asked him to marry Tang Zhuozuo after calming down the war in the Northwest, his expression suddenly changed.

How deep can the affection be?

In the end, didn't he lead the army to marry her? Rather than being angry with the younger generation, she might as well gather under her own wings to protect her.

It's just that I didn't want to bring people to my side, but the one who was angry every day became myself.

Tang Zhuozuo listened to his words, his heart shuddering, and the nice veil on the palm of his hand was slightly wet. Now that Emperor Xian is critically ill, and the prince supervises the country, he feels that something good is basically a foregone conclusion.

This is the news in the previous life, which made their originally bad relationship almost freezing. Tang Zhuozuo recalled his previous life, his expression was a little dazed, and he wanted to open his mouth to speak. He saw that Huo Qiu turned around somehow, his eyes like eagles fell on her face, his eyes frowning and frowning.

Tang Zhuozuo couldn't help but feel a little flustered, she pursed her lips and whispered, "His Royal Highness doesn't need to talk to the concubine about things in the hall."

Huo Qiu's eyes stopped for a while, and he turned around a moment later, and the slight ridicule in his voice was evident: "Yes."

Having said that, he strode out of Yiqiu Palace. Seeing this posture, Zhang Desheng, who was waiting outside, hurriedly followed behind with a wave of dust and did not dare to say anything.

This obviously was fine during the meal, why did the master come out and become such a scene again?

The wind in the summer night carried the chill of a little star, and the palace lady was walking on the road of the sheep intestine with a lamp. Except for the fine footsteps, there was only the rustle of the wind blowing leaves. Huo Qiu remembered the woman in the temple. Abnormal, snorted coldly from the bottom of my heart.

He didn't want her to be happy at all, Huo Qiumeng closed his eyes, and the chill around his body was particularly obvious. Zhang Desheng swallowed, and carefully said, "Your Majesty, my lady is thinking of your goodness in her heart. An Xia said Niang Niang is waiting for you to have dinner."

Huo Qiu didn't blink his eyes, he could still hear some of those words before, but now she has been married for half a year, and Haosheng has not said more than ten fingers to him.

Too much work with hot faces and cold buttocks will naturally chill.

He turned the gleaming jade fingers on his hands, his expression indistinguishable.

All the women in the world may please him, but Tang Zhuozhuo will not.

That's a heartless one.

The author has something to say: Zhuozhuo is really my daughter, and everyone should like her.

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