Chapter 12: Alienated

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Although the imperial physician has repeatedly assured that the princess is only a little feverish, and it will be better to drink the medicine slowly, but Tang Zhuozhuo still shows signs of regaining consciousness at night.

There was a smell of medicine in the room, mixed with the scent of mint, Huo Qiu sat on a soft stool not far from the bed, a kind of Ji Yue breeze.

He was driven to restlessness by the woman's soft and fragrant body and the nonsense in her mouth, and a wind suddenly rose in his calm and unwavering heart, causing waves of turbulence.

I had to stay farther away, so I could feel a little more peaceful.

But even so, his eyes couldn't help but look at the petite person on the bed.

Tang Zhuozhuo's face was still a little hot, his small palm-sized face was lined with long black hair, and his snow-white skin was fat under the candlelight, and his whole body exuded the temptation to make people dry.

Huo Qiu's eyes were like an overturned inkstone. Except for the darkness that was too deep to dissolve, he could not see any other emotions. It was dangerous and depressed.

Tang Zhuozuo was awakened by the rich concoction, and the bitterness spread from the tip of his tongue every inch to the bottom of his heart, and then to the back of his back, there were thin lumps on his forearms.

She finally opened her eyes, and subconsciously tilted her head to hide from the jade spoon beside her lips and teeth, her eyelashes quivered a few times, and she faced a pair of cold eyes.

Huo Qiu, dressed in a robe with a silver rim, frowned and sat on the edge of the bed, holding the spoon she disliked in his hand, and his cold face was full of familiar chill.

Tang Zhuozuo was a little awake instantly.

"Your Highness?"

She called out softly, her voice was a bit dry and dumb, but it was difficult to hide the surprise in her voice.

Huo Qiu looked at her condescendingly, and hummed softly from his throat, full of countless mellow and deep.

"Drink the medicine." He pinched the small jade spoon with his long, well-knotted fingers, which seemed awkward and a bit violent.

Tang Zhuozhuo's scalp tightened for a while, and he smiled flatteringly at him, "His Royal Highness, concubine come by yourself."

Huo Qiu gave her a deep glance, and passed the warm medicine bowl in her hand. During this time, he touched her soft fingertips, his body stiffened slightly, and his eyes darkened.

The concoction in the medicine bowl was rich, and the taste smelled bitter. Tang Zhuozhuo held the handle of the spoon, with the warmth of Huo Qiu's fingers remaining on it.

There was a sudden tremor in her heart.

In the previous life, I often fell ill in the cold palace, and often fainted for a day when I was sick. Every time I woke up, the house smelled of medicine.

She only thought that An Xia secretly got her some medicine back and boiled it for her to drink, but she never thought that An Xia had such great ability? People are in the cold palace, who will care about your life and death?

Not to mention such a cannibalistic place in the palace.

Tang Zhuozuo took a deep breath, her hands trembling faintly, and she was silently covered, and drank the bitter concoction in one gulp.

A bright and beautiful peach blossom noodles suddenly became a ball, and my heart wanted An Xia to bring a plate of candied fruit over, but Huo Qiu had a cold face on the side, so he had to press his lips and close his eyes to swallow the bitterness. .

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