Chapter 14: Liu Hanjiang

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There was a distance between Yuxi Palace and Yiqiu Palace. Tang Zhuozuo changed his clothes, and gently shook a hibiscus-colored ball fan in his hand. In addition to the fact that the sun was not very early in the morning, it didn't feel hot.

On the contrary, Zhang Desheng, who followed behind with a bitter face, wiped layer after layer of sweat on his face and his complexion was miserable.

It should be sent by the little bunnies underneath. This is great, the things are delivered, and people can't go back.

Although this Zhong Liangdi is not favored now, that is also the master of the face, and he is not sure what the situation will be in the future. But no matter how bad, after the master son took the throne, relying on the family background of the Zhong family, a concubine could not escape, but he could not afford to offend.

Even though he thought so, Zhang Desheng still didn't dare to say anything, he stood on his heels behind Tang Zhuozuo.

The person who knows the current affairs is a junjie. He has followed the master's son since he was a child, and he will naturally figure out Huo Qiu's thoughts. The crown prince clearly puts the prince on the top of his heart. He only needs to see the current situation.

When I have to, I will offend that one.

Why doesn't Tang Zhuozuo know the intestines in his heart? This is the personality.

But fortunately, this person is extraordinarily sensible.

Turning a corner, the group of them arrived at the gate of Yuxi Palace. Two maids were still guarding outside. When they saw her, they knelt on the ground to give salutes.

Tang Zhuozuo slightly covered the top of his head with the fan in his hand, and joked with An Xia next to him: "This is really strange today. I don't need to pass it to Zhong Liangdi when I enter the palace?"

The two court ladies trembled slightly, fortunately, Tang Zhuozhao looked at them carefully and led people to the inner hall.

Zhong Yuxi was banned. He gritted his teeth with anger a few days ago, and remembered a bunch of bad things that had happened to his brother, crying and anxious, plus the hot weather, inevitably caught fire, a few blisters grew in his mouth. The fire hurts.

I feel a lot of peace when I hurt, sitting in the temple every day, embroidering some veil clothes.

When Tang Zhuozuo entered, he saw that she was holding a moon-white dress in her hand, and the movements of her hands kept moving. Only when he approached he saw that it was a man's bedclothes.

As for whom it is for, everyone knows well.

Her profile was pure and gentle, and she couldn't see a trace of smoke. Tang Zhuozhuo stood a dozen steps away from her with a trance in her eyes, and finally saw the shadow of the beloved concubine Zhong in her previous life.

Do not fight or grab, do not eat the fireworks in the world, the front of the person is always a cold appearance, which is much higher than Zhong Liangdi's method of kneeling on his knees to beg for his brother at this time.

Xu Ye listened to the footsteps, Zhong Yuxi looked towards Tang Zhuozuo, his face was a little surprised, and then quickly faded, putting down the sleeping clothes in his hand gently, and the blessed body saluted Tang Zhuozuo: " Concubine please Announce the Crown Princess and Empress."

Tang Zhuozuo nodded lightly, his eyes swept over the finely crafted clothes, his voice was obviously brisk and smiling, but everyone could hear a scent of mockery.

"Zhong Liangdi is so elegant, is this sewing the bedclothes for His Royal Highness?"

Zhong Yuxi pressed her lips to suppress the haze under her eyes, and replied docilely: "My concubine is irritated by her insensitivity, and she is terrified, just thinking about what she can do to fight fire."

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