Chapter 27

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The rain, which had already stopped slowly, began to patter again, and gradually became bigger and bigger. Tang Zhuozuo got up and got out of bed, walked to the window of the temple, and only saw the string of lanterns that went away.

Huo Qiu has gone far.

She lowered her eyes and looked at the dim sky. She didn't know what she was thinking. Her face was as heavy as water. An Xia thought she was being quarreled and her heart was upset, so she came over and kneaded her shoulders and said: "Manny, the night is still deep. The maidservant will wait for you to go to bed again."

Tang Zhuozuo shook his head, and then thought of Zhong Yuxi who came over at night.

"What's the situation with that person in Yuxi Palace now?" There were fine icy scum in her glazed eyes, and she looked up to a certain direction in the darkness.

That is the location of Yuxi Palace.

An Xia's movements stopped, and she looked at Tang Zhuozhuo's expression carefully. Seeing her face as usual, she said: "Manny, the slave listened to Xiaoyu from Yuxi Palace saying that Zhong Liangdi had just returned to the palace and asked the grand ladies around him to go. In the yard where my auntie shared her room, it was not clear what she said specifically."

Tang Zhuozuo fiddled with the scallion nails glowing under the candlelight, hesitated for a moment, and then smiled casually.

"She has learned a little bit smarter."

It's getting more and more like Concubine Zhong Xian from the previous life.

She pursed her lips, and put the small sachet in her hand on the table, her white fingers suddenly fragrant, and she nodded with satisfaction.

Compared to Zhong Yuxi, Liu Hanjiang is what she cares about most now.

But this matter, she couldn't say anything.

In the past, it was okay to mention a few words vaguely, but now she can't tell Huo Qiu straightforwardly that your counselor will rebel, you have to guard in advance.

Huo Qiu would only think that her mind was not normal.

It's really sad.

Tang Zhuozuo gave a soft tut, and finally went to bed and rested.

No matter how much I read it in my heart, I am anxious, and it is useless.

This sleep came to the early morning of the second day. Tang Zhuozuo was awakened by the sound of cicadas outside, and turned over while clutching the quilt, only to hear a very light laugh. Only when she revealed a head from the soft quilt, she saw Huo Qiu, who was dressed in the court dress of the prince, standing in front of the bed, looking at herself with a smile from the corner of her eyes.

She moved slowly to the cushion, her voice still soft after a long sleep, and asked: "When did your Highness come back?"

What happened to that last night?

An Xia silently brought in the wash basin, wiped her face and rinsed her mouth, then smiled and retreated.

Huo Qiu's voice was a little low and hoarse, she woke up so much in love with this soft, weak and lazy look, she wanted to have a soft face, so that he wanted to blend in with himself.

"The lonely person came back soon." He paused, and then said: "Father is ill, he doesn't have to go to court today, he finally steals a day of free time."

Tang Zhuozhuo rested his cheek in his hand, and the bells tied to his wrists were crisp and moving, like the sound of raindrops hitting the bottom of a deep well.

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