Chapter 11: Jiaojiao

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The cool night is like water, the grass is luxuriant on both sides of the small intestines, Tang Zhuozhao's delicate skirt traverses a slight arc, and a court lady in front walks carefully carrying a lantern.

The face ladies around the master had a small room of their own. Although it wasn't much comfortable, it was better than a few people.

Turning a turn, passing by a row of small houses, the maid in front stopped, turned her head and said, "Manny, this is the place."

Tang Zhuozuo had heard the noise inside the wooden door long ago, and the people inside lowered their voices to argue. The moonlight was like a cicada and the sound of their footsteps didn't make the insiders notice.

She waved her hand gently, and the lady of the court took a few steps back quietly carrying the lantern, Tang Zhuozuo put her ear close to the ancient wooden door, and the sound from inside reached her ears without missing a word.

An Xia's questioning voice was particularly indignant: "You know in your heart how your mother treats you, you still have to know what you are doing!"

An Zhi looked at An Xia with an angry face, stretched out her hand to caress her shoulders, her voice choked: "Why did I think so?"

"But you don't want to think about it, the mother is fighting against your Highness every day, how can she persuade her to go to her ears, what good life will be in the future?"

"I'm just trying to make a living for myself."

Her voice was mixed with sadness, which made the outer moon darken a lot, Tang Zhuozhuo's complexion remained unchanged, but a strange emotion was dragged between the opening and closing of those burning apricot eyes.

Hearing what Anzhi said, her heart was as calm as water.

She knew that Anzhi was right.

Wasn't she in her previous life just not going to end well?

A faint light gleamed from Tang Zhuozhuo's eyes, staring at the door for a long time, then hummed softly, turned and left.

She was right for her own sake, but because she was unfamiliar, Tang Zhuozuo couldn't indulge her anymore.

The betrayal of the master's minion, with such an end, she has already read aside from the past.

It's a fake if you can't be angry or cold. Tang Zhuozhuo spent a whole night thinking about it for a long time before finally closing his eyes.

In the morning of the next day, Tang Zhuozhuo got up a little bit late, his head was dizzy and dizzy, and he brought a bowl of porridge, and the blackness in front of him fell softly.

The Yiqiu Palace was in turmoil for a while, but An Xia was calmer, and hurriedly sent people to the Zhengda Hall to invite His Royal Highness, but was told that His Highness would go to Yuxi Hall after the dynasty.

An Xia stomped her feet, and hurriedly sent someone to urge the doctor, and ran to Yuxi Palace.

Unexpectedly, the door of Yuxi Palace was stopped by two court ladies before entering.

An Xia suddenly sighed and shouted: "Laughter, the prince and concubine is ill, and she came to look for Her Royal Highness. Not only do you not just go in and report, but you dare to stop?"

The two court ladies looked at each other for a long time, and it was the head of the lady who smiled and replied: "Sister An Xia, it's just that our Highness has ordered that no one can go in and disturb."

"Let's wait."

An Xia gritted her teeth with anger, then she thought about Tang Zhuozhuo's pale face lying on the bed, and she was so worried that she couldn't make up her mind for a while.

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