Warning: Tooth rotting fluff, no one drowns but you might think Dream does at one moment.
"Angel, where are you taking me exactly?"
"Somewhere in HeavenTale."
"Okay, but what did you blindfold me for?" Blue asked as he clawed at the tissue blocking his vision, trying to get it off. Like his other attempts, it came out fruitless. It wouldn't budge. "I don't really like seeing... well absolute nothingness."
Dream grabbed the hand on Blue's blindfold and let it fall to the other's sides. "It's only for a minute." He replied, pulling Blue in a different direction with their intertwined hands. "It's here so you don't see where we're going yet, this place's location is... confidential."
"Confidential you say?" Blue's curiosity was picked. "How generous of you to lead me here for our weekly date."
The boy's head tilted upward when he started hearing flowing and crashing water sounds, were they near a waterfall? It sounded like it at least.
"Don't mention it." Dream suddenly stopped without warning, making Blue almost crash into his tall figure. "We're going to have to fly for a bit, hold on tight."
"Wait wha-" Before the man got the chance to finish his sentence, he felt a hand lay down on the back of his knees and another on the lower half of his back before he was lifted off of the ground, feet left dangling in the air.
Blue yelped, wrapping his arms around Dream's neck on instinct before the wind started to howl violently around the duo. They were flying, if the fact his hair was constantly being blown right and left was proof of that.
All movements stopped a few seconds later, Blue's feet finally touching the solid ground again. He wobbled for a moment, having lost his sense of balance. "Next time you do that, please warn me first. I was not mentally prepared for this." He huffed, slightly leaning on Dream to get back to his senses.
"I'm sorry." The other apologized, not sounding the slightest sorry. Even though he couldn't see his face, he could feel the smile in his voice. He was going to get back at him later.
Blue felt the taller man walk behind him as he felt his fingers brushing his hair and the soft sound of tissue being manipulated. It seems like Dream was finally untying the blindfold.
The darkness slipped away and let the light come to the commands once more, Blue screwed his eyes shut almost immediately, unused to it now. He blinked a few times to let his eyes adjust and then let them wander around freely.
His breath caught in his throat as his jaw dropped.
That place... was stunning.
They stood on a large rock placed conveniently in the middle of a crystal-clear azure lake which was precipitated down in a corner, forming an impressive waterfall that only reached the ground a dozen feet down. From where they were, they could also see the little pond where the waterfall supplied water, in which colorful fishes swam happily in the pure water, free of any human activity.
There were giant trees surrounding the area, attached to their branches were hundreds of leaves reunited in colorful bushes. The light of the sun sipped through the tiny holes left by the leaves. Each tree had a different color.
Some were white like the light of the moon, others black like coal or orange like the sunset, as gray and metallic as iron, purple, pastel green, blue like the ocean, golden and bright as a million stars. Their leaves swayed in the wind as if they were dancing the waltz, some gracefully coming down the tree to rest upon the calm waves of the lake.
"I- This is-" Blue's voice got stuck in his throat, unable to say anything appropriate. "This place is just drop-dead gorgeous."
"I kno—"

Dreamswap Oneshots
FanfictionCover was drawn by me, no judgment please. Dreamswap belongs to onebizarrekai on Tumblr. It has been ages ever since I got to write about anything related to the Undertale fandom so to correct that I wrote some one-shots... but nothing too crazy. S...