Interview (fmaa2)

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This takes place long after the main events of the story.

Sorry for not being very active lately.

Enjoy your reading!


Warnings: Eating disorder (Anorexia), self-harm (cutting), violence/physical abuse

Synopsis: Blue stood behind the cameras, exhaling softly. He stared quietly at the decor he would be filmed in for the next hour with a lot of apprehension, if the subtle tremble of his body was anything to go by.

Stage fright was never a problem he had to face.

Yet, he now found himself trembling.



Blue stood behind the cameras, exhaling softly. He stared quietly at the decor he would be filmed in for the next hour with a lot of apprehension, if the subtle tremble of his body was anything to go by.

Stage fright was never a problem he had to face.

On the contrary, he craved the feeling of eyes on him. He craved the feeling of being gazed upon with admiration. He craved the eventual applause of the public, satisfied with his performance.

When he started filming, there was no more audience to immediately react to his work, but movie reviews were quite pleasant as they were not bound to a particular moment.

Filming an interview with a journalist was hardly any different, feeling wise. Many of them had tried to set him up before, but he always did his best to not give that satisfaction to whoever it was.

Yet, he now found himself trembling.


Honestly, he knew the reason why. It had nothing to do with who would be interviewing him, it had nothing to do with the cameras rolling, it had nothing to do with the worry of looking like a fool.

No, it had to do with the subject of the interview itself.

The first thing that a young actor such as himself learns, most times the hard way, is to put on a mask, even if you are not filming. You always must play a role, no matter where you are or with whom you are.

The public and journalists will grasp any straws to get your attention and above all, they will pick out any flaws, any part of your personality that they do not like and pick at it, desperate to make you break.

The more of your real self you put out there, the more it will hurt when backlash comes to hit you in the face.

That is, after all, the fate of any public figure.

Yet, here he was, about to talk about the person he had carefully buried deep inside his soul and hidden with a mask. He was about to throw out the window everything he had come to learn to protect himself.

He already had the feeling that he was about to bitterly regret doing this.

But he could not back down, not if his testimony could help someone struggling with the same things he did... has.

His breathing started to go funny again but before it could escalate into anything, soft fingertips brushed his knuckles, giving him something to focus on as that fleeting sensation quickly turned into a proper touch, a familiar hand covering his own.

He lifted his head, meeting golden eyes in which concern glistened like diamonds.

"Are you alright?" Dream whispered, his thumb stroking Blue's palm.

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