Rule number 5: Never let Blue touch Dream's wings (Drueswap)

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Happy Valentine's Day. Which is basically just a normal day for me since I do not have a partner lmao.
This one-shot isn't one that I'm particularly fond of, which basically means that I don't like it at all but it is a one-shot I've written so might as well publish it.

I feel like those titles are just becoming longer and longer lol

Warnings: None, I think.
Synopsis: Dream lets Blue pet his wings and it somehow turns into a dystopian tickle battle disaster for Dream.


It was 9 pm or so. The sky had long turned into a pitch-black color and sprinkles of stars winked at the people down below, watching in silence the remaining humans go to bed to wake up early the next morning. The moon, who never failed to show up so far, was present as well and showing off how easy it could reflect the Sun's light, even if its light was weaker and generally colder.

Blue had, like usual, decided to stay the night in Dream's room which basically became their common room because of how often they slept together in it. It almost felt like Blue's bedroom served as a filler, in case Dream's couldn't be used anymore for some reason.

That night, they didn't really feel like sleeping yet so they were sitting side by side, their pillows on their backs while the blanket was securely tucked beneath their arms. Blue had his phone out and was currently scrolling the Internet in quest of some juicy drama to collect while Dream, more responsible, had a mystery book in hand and was simply reading it.

He was in the middle of a murder's description when Blue started tugging at his shirt, harsher and harsher until he finally looked sideways with a raised eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Can your wings become tangible?" As he asked, Blue already had one of his hands reaching out to the golden wings but when he tried to actually grasp them, his hand went right through the limb, much to his dismay. Dream didn't try to stop him from doing it again.

"Why?" Another fail.

"I've always wanted to feel your wings. They look like they would feel so soft..." Blue almost had a dreamy look on his face as he imagined the scene. "Plus you've touched me with them before, you just never let me touch them myself."

Now that Dream took the time to think about it, it's true that he has never let Blue or anyone for that matter touch the see-through wings before, not as far as he remembered at least.

He hummed as he scratched his chin in thought, his book long forgotten on the nightstand. Was it a good idea? Blue could get very... experimental when he wanted to and Dream didn't know if he wanted to risk it. Plus, he had never done this before so there was no telling how he would react if that happened. He was almost positive he wouldn't have a panicked reaction since he doesn't have haphephobia but it was still uncertain.

He glanced over at the younger man who was staring at him intensely with one of the best but cruel sad puppy expressions he has ever seen. Dream couldn't say no to that face and that little gremlin called Blue was completely and utterly aware of that. Dream internally cursed before sighing.

"Okay, but just for a few minutes okay?" Blue's face immediately lightened up, his eyes starting to glow like a thousand stars as they followed the way Dream's wings gradually started to gain colors.

He reached out, taking his sweet time before the winged man finally felt warmth on his wing. He flinched at that, not used to having anyone touch it. It wasn't exactly unpleasant for now. He could only describe the experience as... something new and unusual.

"Wow... They're so soft..." Blue seemed in complete awe, his jaw a little open as he started to run his hand down the limb. Dream fought back the urge to retract his wing and instead pushed it a little into Blue's hand. That definitely didn't feel awful but he would rather die than admit it.

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