Halloween Specials

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Okay so I know that the name of this book is "Dreamswap Oneshots" but I don't have enough fics about the original multiverse to make a book just for that so I'm gonna throw in the OG one too here.

The first three stars, like usual, will signal the beginning of the first shot about Dreamswap "Halloween Party" which can be either interpreted as platonic or romantic Sweammare, it's only up to interpretation after all. When you see the "===" thing, it means that you're about to start reading the fic about the UTMV "Why". They don't have anything to do with each other.

Warnings (for "Halloween Party"): A concerning amount of drunk people trying to get Dream in their beds which includes one that was so insistent it was borderline sexual harassment. There's also the presence of swearing and mention of past alcoholism


The 31rst of October is such an iconic date.

It was a day of celebration, the official spooky day of the world. It was a day when parents would accompany their dressed-up kids outside, asking for candies from the different neighbors. The perfect day to go out and do something crazy with friends and family, like all of them going to camp outside while telling a horrific story as the moon gazed down at them in amusement.

When it comes to Justice Reign though, they opted for a disguised party instead. Simple but enjoyable.

In the beginning, that party was just one where the children of the orphanage could gather together and show off their costumes to each other before being split into small groups to go trick-and-treating with one of the caretakers in the nearest neighborhood.

Eventually, though, adults started to request an event that could take place for that holiday. Dream had racked his brain over what could they possibly do to celebrate Halloween before he got reminded of that little tradition he set up for the children and decided to take the same idea and tweak it a bit to make it more appropriate for grownups.

So there they were, on the thirty-first of October enjoying a nice little drink at the JR castle.

Or so, Dream wished.

Because yes, he wasn't having the time of his life right now. He never had fun during the Halloween party, but as the organizer of said party, he was still required to show some face to be respectful and to greet everyone that would attend the event.

One may wonder why he didn't just cancel the entire thing, after all, as the leader of JR, nothing and no one would dare go against his decision. The reason was simple, as much as he disliked the event, he knew that it made people happy so he kept it around, despite wanting to die every time he would go there.

There were multiple reasons as to why he would rather not have to be bothered by that event: Firstly, he loathed social interactions with every fiber of his being and that party was full of those. Secondly, the number of people who came in just to "troll" was insanely high and Dream was simply too exhausted to deal with those troublemakers. Lastly, a good majority of the guests would drink until their feet swayed which also made a good chunk of them try to get the leader of the organization in their bed.

Dream did not appreciate that one bit. Especially when that person was acting particularly insistent, so much in fact that it was brushing very closely the sexual harassment territory.

So basically what was happening right now.

It was around 8 PM and by now, the majority of the guests had shoved so much liquor down their throats that they were all completely out of it, unable to even walk in a straight line or look in the same direction for more than 3 seconds. Dream had already rejected the not-so-polite offer of 8 people, women and men alike, to have some evening activities together and he was honestly getting tired of it.

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