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AT used in "Loneliness" and "Normal day for two married idiots in love".

Warnings: Violence, blood, mention of child abuse (which includes neglect, physical, sexual [this one is so implicit you wouldn't be able to tell it's here] and mental abuse), pedophilia as a result, strong language and murder.

As I've said before, the priest is still (very unfortunately) alive and had taken in Dream and Nightmare when they were 8. The difference with canon here is that the Priest is a pedophile and has tried things but failed which is why he's also the cause of Dream and Nightmare's insomnia as well as the last one's genophobia.  He is also the creator of an orphanage for which he has donated money to improve those orphans' lives but unknown to the general public, he is using that very money to increase his wealth, any changes done to the orphanage come from Dream and Nightmare's incomes when they started to work.

He is also very manipulative and wants to control the duo's lives, he had gotten his hands on their bank accounts whenever he wanted and as we've said before, also sold them off for marriage when they reached 24 and their popularity was at its peak. Dream also used to date Ani, who was at the time still in the hospital, but unfortunately, the Priest killed them and the murder came off as an accident on the medical staff's part.

Eventually, Dream got all the evidence necessary to send him in jail and this story happens right after his imprisonment.


"What do you think he wants from us this time?" Nightmare asked, leaning on the grey wall of the police station with his arms crossed around his chest. His pupils had moved to look at his childhood best friend who stood besides a potted plant on the opposite wall.

"I don't know." Dream shrugged, eyes scanning over a text on his phone. "He probably wants us to get him out of jail or something." The other snorted in a mocking tone, rolling his eyes.

"If that's what he's planning to do, then he can shove that demand up his ass." Dream's eyes looked up at him in a disapproving manner.

"We're in the police station Nightmare, please watch your profanity." Nightmare scoffed, playing with his nails absently.


"Mister Von Dunkheilt and Mister Von Licht?" A female cop stepped out, a questioning look on her face.

"Yes." Dream responded, nodding. The policewoman backed away from the door, hand gesturing for them to go in.

"He has been transferred to this room, you may go in." Nightmare and Dream glanced at each other before walking inside the dull and dark room, not a speck of dust in sight.

The walls had no identity, they were plain and clean, like a house that has yet to be used. The room was pretty much closed to the outside world because of the obvious lack of exits. There were no windows to reflect the light of the sun, only the lamps fixated to the ceiling illuminated the room.

A single metal door could grant one either entrance or exit to this place. Surely, a claustrophobic person would hate standing inside of it. The fact that they were being watched from the glass wall by two buffed policemen didn't quite make things any better but this arrangement will have to do. Another one stood by the closed door, ready to intervene if anything were to happen.

The room could also be said to be devoid of furniture, if we ignore the single iron table lying in the center of the room, surrounded by three chairs. One of them, opposing the other two, was occupied by the priest himself, his cuffed hands put on top of the table in clear view.

Nightmare almost gagged upon seeing him but remained silent still. The duo were encouraged to sit down in front of the criminal but Dream politely refused on both of their behalf.

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