Fallen Angel (III)

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So, I have a pretty important question to ask, how would you guys feel like if I were to make this Druemare?-

WARNINGS: Light description of violence, triggered PTSD, near panic attack, past physical abuse, Koroit, Obsidian, strong language.


Blue and Ori had used one of the latter's portals to get to the universe Dream was held captive in, strategically placing it somewhere somewhat far away so they wouldn't be noticed right away.

The portal closed behind them as a gust of wind welcomed them into the universe, making Blue shiver and wrap his arms around his chest. It was freezing. His companion however didn't seem to be affected by the cold temperature, ignoring the way his hair was suddenly picked up and whipped at his face.

There was not a single thing around them if not for forests. There were trees everywhere the eye could spot, not a single trace of human activity nearby. No town, no fire, no camping tools. It was as if Nature itself had decided to keep secret this location and save it from human domination.

Or it could have been believed if not for the lone house that laid in the middle of all these trees.

It was easy to spot this house as its pristine white color stood out like a sore thumb amidst the pure green surrounding it. So why was it so hard for Dream's men to find him?

Well the answer was pretty easy.

This universe had been made with a special code that made it near impossible to detect or spot by any traditional means. The only way one could discover it is if they were a glitch or a halfway-glitch like Blue and Error or if they were from another multiverse, like the Koroit or Obsidian.

The identity of its creator hardly mattered, not like anyone could do much even with knowing who was behind the creation of such a terribly suspicious space. The important part was that it existed and could be exploited.

Blue had led Ori here with the promise that he knew this was the place Dream was kept in. Truth being told, he was only 80% sure that the others must have used this place as their base for the time being. The fact that not a single person from JR's various units was able to roughly locate their leader was proof that Dream couldn't be somewhere the organization knew about, but they couldn't have fled to another multiverse as considerable change in the multiverse would ensue due to Dream's, essentially positivity, absence.

There were only very few hidden universes like this one compared to the total number of universes but there were still a few hundreds of them scattered randomly around the world.

Blue made the bet that this universe would be the one chosen, as it was the only equipped with something as extravagant as a house.

As he and Ori quietly made their way toward the house, Blue was almost relieved to see the glow of turned on lights behind the drawn curtains of the first floor and to hear the distant murmur of chatter that took place behind the walls.

Human presence and activity was equal to them marking their territory after all.

"Blue." Said man startled at being called, before cowering on himself as he realized just how tensed he was being. He would have liked to be able to bring more reinforcements after all, despite knowing how ridiculously strong Ori was. If the latter noticed Blue's reaction, he didn't show any signs of it. "I'll burst through the wall."

Blue almost choked on his spit as he heard that, narrowingly catching himself with a nearby tree after he tripped on a branch he was too distracted to notice. "Excuse me?" He let out, his facial features one of bewilderment. "I mean, saying that your methods are wrong isn't my intention, but shouldn't we make ourselves discreet for the time being?"

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