IV - The Fall (Sweammare)

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Warnings: Yandere things that include non-consensual use of drugs, blood and violence.


A few months have passed since Nightmare found himself in the past. Everything was the same as how he remembered it, the only thing that changed was his behavior, which he altered to minimize the chance of The Apple Incident taking place again.

Today, was the day said event was supposed to happen. But even with all the precautions Nightmare took to make sure things wouldn't go like they did last time, there was still one big problem.

The Villagers.

Apparently, even when Nightmare wasn't doing much to annoy them, they still felt the need to disturb Dream about whatever pathetic thing was happening in their life. Knowing how much Dream hates social interactions, it was bound to anger him at one moment and he would eventually bite into the apples once again.

Exactly how things were currently going.

When Dream went out this morning, Nightmare decided to follow him as well to make sure he wouldn't head to the Tree of Emotions. To his relief, he headed to the village with a bag, probably to go run some errands for the three of them, and then that's when almost everyone dragged Dream by the wrist to complain about something he didn't have anything to do with, like water supply problem.

Like seriously, what did he have to do with that?

Nightmare discreetly stepped into the conversation to avoid making Dream talk more than what was necessary but in the end, people started to get even angrier and Dream stormed off, with the same look in his eyes he had in the former Apple Incident.

The guardian of negativity sent daggers into the villagers, eyes flashing with fury. He was very tempted to slit their throats open and spill blood but right now, he had more important things to take care of.

He hurried after Dream, who had already arrived at the tree and was in the process of taking a golden apple down. Unlike last time, the black apples haven't turned into golden ones yet. Nightmare would have arched an eyebrow at that but that would have to wait.

After all, the apple in Dream's hand was approaching dangerously close to his open mouth. Nightmare was pretty sure that in his 124 years of existence, he had never run as fast as he did now. A few seconds later, he was already behind him.

If he knocked the apple out of Dream's hand and just dragged him back home right now, there was a high chance Dream would try that again behind Nightmare's back which was not what he wanted.

Thankfully for him, he had a plan B in case his initial plan failed. A week inside that timeline, Nightmare discovered that while he hadn't eaten any apple yet, he was still able to use his powers like before. Which encompassed summoning his staff whenever he wanted, making a portal, or even taking something he wanted from an existing place.

He really didn't want to do this to Dream but seems like it was his only option now.

From behind him, Nightmare wrapped a hand in front of Dream's mouth and yanked him backward. The guardian of positivity let out a muffled startled noise, instinctively grabbing the other's hand to pull it away from him.

Of course, that whole action was meant as a distraction for Nightmare who, with his free hand, took out a needle hidden inside of his jacket before pressing it on Dream's neck. The latter's breath hitched, eyes widening in realization at what was happening.

He detached one of his hands from Nightmare's and tried reaching behind him to grab the needle while thrashing around restlessly to give his negative counterpart as much trouble as he possibly could. At that, Nightmare grunted and shifted his position so he could wrap an ankle around Dream's own to limit his movement.

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