Rule Number 3: Never let Blue drink liquor (Drueswap)

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Warnings: Alcohol use, past abuse/physical violence, mention past alcoholism and breakdowns-
Synopsis: Blue tries to drink a shot of wine. Immediate regret.

The fact that Dream used to be an alcoholic was never a secret for Blue. It was actually one of the first things he had searched about him, in case he would have found him drinking during one of his many visits.

Thankfully though, Dream had stopped drinking a long time ago but surprisingly, he still kept his stash of liquor tucked away near his office.

Blue had one day stumbled inside that room and, as curious as he is, he wondered how it would feel like to drink. Due to his... special conditions growing up, he never really got the chance to go out with people at parties and never had any friends to do any of that anyways. He knew that alcohol smelled and that the taste was generally not that good. He also knew that people were aware of that. So what made all of these alcoholics continue to drink even though they knew it wasn't good for their health?

He wanted answers and Blue was the type of man to push until he got what he wanted.

He was usually the type to conduct a thorough research about a subject before experimenting right away but today, he deemed that little experiment of his harmless enough not to proceed as he usually would. In case of problems, Dream was just in the next room anyway.

He looked over the impressive number of bottles placed next to one another before he eventually reached for a random one, not really noticing how old it was. He looked around and soon found the glass he was looking for, he grabbed one and started to pour the wine into it.

He was being careful, he just wanted to taste it after all, not get drunk. He had no clue how he would be drunk and he didn't intend to find out, it scared him far too much.

What he didn't take into account however was the fact that alcohol was supposed to be drunk slowly but also the fact that wine entered the bloodstream way faster than beer, making it relatively easy for someone to get drunk.

At first, he didn't feel much but a few seconds later, he started feeling dizzy, a little warm even. He tried to shake the feeling off but it didn't go and instead made him stumble a bit forward.

It felt like a fog had taken over his brain and he was walking out of the room with a weird limp, giggling quietly all the while.

Surprisingly, Dream wasn't sitting behind his desk and working but was instead hunched over his phone on the couch, seemingly watching a video about animals, if the smile on his face was anything to go by.

Blue stopped, just staring at him for a few seconds. He had always found Dream pretty and still does, especially when he was looking genuinely happy like that, but he felt really weird right now like there was something tight in his chest that didn't like what he was seeing.
He briefly wondered if it was about the alcohol, after all, it had already made him tipsy with just a shot of it. How far-stretched was it if it made him feel weird in the chest as well? He was starting to regret not searching things about that or at least asking Dream, he knew how the last time he didn't inquire his opinion ended up as and he was not quite thrilled to relive the same thing.

He called out to him or at least thought he did. In reality, his mouth moved but no sound came out of it, explaining why Dream didn't react to it. At the other's lack of reaction, Blue frowned. He tried again, no sound. He still didn't realize his voice wasn't coming out of his chords and just felt like Dream was ignoring him.

In normal terms, Blue would simply pout or feel a bit upset about that. But right now, his mind was a mess and the alcohol was getting to his head, throwing any rational thought out the window.

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