Rule number 1: Never ignore Blue (Drue)

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Warnings: Self-defenestration, overworking and Dream going: 'self-care? What's that?'

This idea is actually derived from a TikTok I was sent where a hamster demanded attention and tried to jump off the couch from frustration, @jaywaslost  told me that this was 100% DS Blue behaviour and I just had to write it.


Dream was genuinely about to lose his mind. It was nearing midnight now, or so he guessed, Dream actually had no idea. His vision was way too blurry for him to actually recognise what was written on his watch so he chose to instead look at the sky outside of his window and since the canvas was pitch black, it must have been late at night or very early in the morning.

He didn't even know what day it was. October had ended, that much he knew but whether it was the second of November or the twelfth of November, he had no clue. During the entire time, he had been signing papers and more papers and even more papers.

Forget about eating, drinking, and sleeping, he had no time for that. He had paperwork to do but of course, not properly taking care of one's body had consequences. His throat was dry and raspy which probably made his voice sound awful, his ears were ringing in an unpleasant manner, he felt as if his wrists were able to fall off any second now, his fingers were aching terribly because of holding the pen for so long and to top of it all, he had a migraine and was extremely lightheaded.

The worst of it all? He didn't feel like his workload was decreasing. In fact, it even seemed to increase. He had started that whole thing... How long ago? A day? A few days? A few hours?— whatever, when he started, there were two piles of paper reaching the ceiling and now, four of those piles stood proudly in front of his desk, with a few more shoved inside his closet.

Clearly, if it weren't for his amazing healing magic, Dream might have ended up six feet underground as he talked. He took his loyal cup of coffee which stayed by his side this entire time and shoved what remained of its content down his throat. He took his pen back up and scribbled down something rapidly, eyes painfully scanning over the sheet of paper.

At one point, he felt he was starting to fall asleep and since he had no more coffee left, he did the first thing that came to mind.

He leaned slightly away and tilted his head backward before launching it at top speed on his desk. The collision of the two entities made a loud 'thud' echo in the dead of night and increased the force of the hammer hitting his skull but at least he was awake now.

He then went back to his pen and paperwork as if he didn't just do that.


The color of the sky morphed from a vantablack to a pleasant blue, a few fluffy white clouds dancing on the light scene and sometimes hiding the harsh rays of the sunlight. It must have been in the afternoon, and Dream was not done with his work. He had managed to reduce his stash by one pile but he still had a long way to go before he could be free to do what he wanted.

His eyes twitched in irritation as if begging him to let them rest. As if on cue, all of his other limbs started to protest vividly as well, especially the fingers which were screaming because of being constantly squeezed at all sides of the pen in his hand. It was soon going to run out of ink, he just knew it.

He let out a sigh, tempted to hit his head onto the desk again but before he could dwell onto the thought, he heard a familiar voice whistling behind him.

"Wow, I've never seen so much paperwork for one person in my entire life." Blue's sing-song voice echoed in his ears, making them ring agonizingly loud. Dream's face scrunched in irritation but he kept silent, judging Blue was smart enough to get the hint if he didn't acknowledge his presence.

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