Transfer (BTH)

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I was planning to write this a little while later but since I've understood that many people were very fond of this series (especially on Tumblr) I've decided to prioritize that one instead.

If you have not yet seen the post entitled Target Syndrome, I advise you to go read it as it will enable you to understand some parts of this one-shot that could otherwise be confusing.

Enjoy your reading once again!


Warnings: Implied past self-harm (not specified which)

Synopsis: "It won't be of any problem." A pause. "I... apologize about not being able to prevent this." If he was initially talking to Randy, he was now looking at Hacker. He had never taken the time to apologize before, even if he felt like it was needed.

They stayed like that for a few seconds, looking each other in the eyes.

"..." Hacker eventually turned away. "You are not at fault."


When Finch pushed the door to Hacker's room open, he was met with three pairs of eyes looking at him. The first had two hazy dark blue irises blinking at him, barely processing his presence while the other two, narrowed, bright red and alert, snapped toward him.

He tilted his head down to show he was here in peace, resulting in Bobby and Randy relaxing.

"Hello." He eventually said, the greeting soon shot back to him. "I'm glad that everything seems to be going well, have you had the time to talk?"

"Hacks keeps zoning out." Bobby admitted, glancing worryingly at said man before turning his attention back to Finch. "But yeah, we were pretty much done with the main topics."

"You seem to have something on your mind, son. Is there something you want to tell us?" Randy interjected, startling Finch. Was it that obvious or did Randy just have a knack for that sort of thing? He did remember Hacker mentioning an 'uncanny accuracy' when it came to guessing whether he or Bobby had something to say to him.

"I just thought you would want to be informed of Hacker's transfer." As expected, that seemed to pique their interest. Even Hacker seemed to come back to focus, saying nothing but staring at Finch with an interested look, nonetheless. Finch brushed off the vague weird feeling he got as he realized he had never really heard the other being so silent.

"Where is he going to go? And when?" Randy asked immediately, Bobby adding that they better make sure nothing happens this time, a scary expression displayed on his face.

Hacker motioned for the two to calm down. "He didn't even say anything yet, chill out." Bobby turned to him, scratching his neck as he muttered an apology.

"It's fine, I understand the concern." Finch reassured, clearing his throat. "He should be moving as soon as he recovers to... erm..." As he was faced with the expectant look of the three others, Finch found himself thinking on how in the world he was supposed to say it without the whole dilemma sounding strange.

Finally giving up on it, he finally confessed that Hacker would be moved to his house.

Silence ensued, in which Bobby and Randy both turned to Hacker with the same pointed and warning look. Said man deadpanned at them.

"I can hardly make a normal conversation; do you think I have the capacity to start screwing around?" He hissed, irritated as he looked away. Finch was unsure whether he should see that as good news or unwelcome news.

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