Warnings: Physical abuse/violence, murder attempt without remorse, blood, several mental breakdowns, implied eating disorder (it's really light) and heavy Blue angst.
It was late in the afternoon, probably around 2 PM. Although it was hard to tell because of the gloomy weather outside, plus, Dream was too focused on his paperwork to take a look at the watch on his wrist.
Water droplets crashed onto the windows behind him, regularly hitting the glass shield that silently screamed at each impact, the pain only manifested by the faint sound of bumping. In the chorus of the rain came the main vocals, the storm.
Blinding light flashed from time to time, illuminating briefly the cold room that was Dream's office and casting shadows after being deviated by the imposing figure that was his body and desk. The light was only the face, the quiet partner that ran away in silence at an impressive speed.
The thunder roared after it, its voice reaching the ground and shaking it because of its sheer force. It was trying in vain to catch up to it, it was too slow and the lightning too fast.
That whole show had been going on for hours now and by the looks of it, the thunderstorm's rage wasn't going to lessen any time soon, in fact, it only seemed to grow bigger. Its irritated and icy cold breath blew at the trees outside which swayed in fear of being the Lightning's next target as the light and thunder ran more frequently, screaming after one another in a deafening duet.
With that melancholic climate, most people would tremble with the trees. Some quite liked the sight of the Heavens' tears racing against one another on their windows, others didn't give it much thought and only found the noises mildly annoying when extended for too long.
Dream Von Licht just so happened to belong to that part of the population.
However, the continuation of the rain's drum wasn't what had him have his eyebrows furrowed or his left-hand tapping nervously on the wooden platform.
At one point, he finally gave in to the temptation and stopped his endless scribbling to glance at the time displayed on his watch.
It was 2 PM, or in other words, an hour after Blue's usual appearance. Yet, the clock may continue to click its tongue, the man in blue has still yet to show up. To say that Dream was awaiting his arrival would be a lie, while he didn't mind his company, he didn't need Blue to be here with him every week to function correctly.
The reason why he hasn't shown up yet may be because of that pretty heavy rain outside. With weather like that, no one would want to drag themselves in the rain just to flirt with somebody, it made sense that he would rather spend the day at home doing something else like watching a TV show with a blanket and a cup of hot chocolate upon his lips.
That reasoning was completely logical.
So why did he still feel like something was amiss here?
A frustrated groan escaped him. He picked his pen back up before he started writing swiftly on the paper again, trying to get his mind to focus on the task at hand instead of fretting over Blue's whereabouts.
Just as his stiff shoulders finally began to relax, he heard on his side the sizzling of a glitchy portal opening. The bad feeling that has been haunting him for the past hour decided to explode at that moment, soul pounding with warnings.
Blue never used a portal to get here.
The portal appeared fast and dissipated just as quickly. Between the two instances, a humanoid creature had the time to throw itself at the winged man, who had the air knocked out of him because of how fast it jumped on him.

Dreamswap Oneshots
FanfictionCover was drawn by me, no judgment please. Dreamswap belongs to onebizarrekai on Tumblr. It has been ages ever since I got to write about anything related to the Undertale fandom so to correct that I wrote some one-shots... but nothing too crazy. S...