Target Syndrome (EX)

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Hello everyone! So, I'm currently in the process of writing the next part of BTH as I've noticed a lot of you have taken a liking to that series (I have as well, torturing Hacker is just too much fun for me) and I realized that you guys would be very confused concerning some aspects that I am planning on placing there.

The reason for that is I've changed and added a lot of headcanons to Hacker's backstory (like, a lot) such as a fictional disease that I am going to present right now.

This post is an explanation post, it might not be the most entertaining thing ever and I am quite sorry about that, but I can hardly think of a way to explain the subject in a story like I am going to with the psych ward episode.

Anyway, enjoy?


What is Target Syndrome?

It is the name given to the disease caused by a soul malformation. It is a rare disease, having only 300 000 cases registered in the multiverse ever since it was first discovered in 1925. Its name stems from the shape the soul tends to take in most cases.

This disease affects both the physical and mental health of an individual, the severity of said impact depends on the stage reached by the individual.

How are individuals affected by the disease diagnosed?

The shape of the individual's soul is both very useful to detect whether an individual is affected by the disease and how far the disease has spread. Since soul screening often requires magical equipment, universes whose inhabitants lack magic have a difficult time to accurately diagnose patients.

(Note: Patients are often misdiagnosed as depressed or anxious.)

Besides soul screening, no accurate method of diagnosis exists.

What differentiates the stages from another?

Stage 1: The patient's soul is a usual heart-shaped organ. The only difference with a regular soul is that there is a visible white outline inside of the heart. At this stage, the patient is hardly distinguishable from any regular individual. The only thing that could distinguish them would be the unusual pang of pain one would feel sometimes. However, these pains are bearable and are mostly overlooked.

Stage 2: The patient's soul is an upside-down heart; the presence of the white line can still be seen. The pains that were mentioned earlier get worse by this stage. They get so bad that it is not uncommon for patients to be rendered unable to function properly because of these. They may also display constant signs of distress or general discomfort. Some of their limbs may also cease to function properly temporarily.

Stage 3: The patient's soul will be shaped like a round target, the white line now more prominent. The pains are now (almost) constant and unbearable, being so bad that patients affected by this pain can be heard screaming or passing out. They will show themselves to be hostile to most people, as well as hot-tempered, defiant and defensive. They are more likely to engage in dangerous behaviors for both themselves and the people around them. Severe signs of distress including, but not exclusive to, self-harm, suicidal tendencies or frequent meltdowns.

Stage 4: Their entire body will hurt as if they were burned alive. They would not be coherent enough to say anything intelligible or be aware of their surroundings. In that state, they do not, or rather cannot, react to external stimuli. Medication does not have any effect on the pain felt by the patient. After 12 hours, the patient succumbs to the disease as their soul, distorted and broken, is unable to provide enough energy to keep their organs functioning.

(Note: There are "in-between" stages that mix the symptoms of two different stages.)

What are the causes of the disease?

Its origins are unknown, though it is not a hereditary disease nor a mutation of a gene. A correlation between the soul state, the body state and the production of serotonin and dopamine (and other hormones of this type) has been established. However, the exact cause and effect relationship between these factors have yet to be determined.

Does a treatment against the disease exist?

No, currently, no treatment can cure the disease. However, reverting a patient to a preceding stage is possible thanks to a consummation of specific dosage of anti-depressants and/or anti-anxiety medications (or any mood stabilizers in general.)

Although, this method is rarely employed as the administration of a different dosage than the recommended one threatens the patient's well-being. This applies to other medications as well, including painkillers.

The environment in which a patient is kept also seems to have a direct effect on the development of the disease. Without the aid of medications, it is possible for a patient to revert to the previous stage if the environment they are in is in favor of recovery.


Hacker is affected by that disease no matter what AT or AU is used.

Relevance to BTH: During the first two posts of BTH, Hacker was in Stage 1. From Hurt to According to plan, Hacker was in Stage 2.5, closer to Stage 3 than Stage 2.

Relevance to BTH-2: --- 

I'm going to post an actual oneshot as soon as possible I swear-

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