Free (Sweammare)

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Happy birthday to myself.

This takes place in an alternate timeline of fmaa2 where Sweammare actually ends up together after Noot kills the Priest. I don't know if I'll ever expand there but we'll see.


Warnings: Mention of suicide attempts, implied murder

Synopsis: "Nothing I ever do to you or with you is casual." he replied, squeezing his hand to stop the subtle tremor he could feel against his palm. "It's a gift from me to you, for everything you have done for me."

Or: Nightmare spoils all his wedding vows before he even proposes to Dream.


What the hell was happening?

"Nightmare." Dream smiled down at him, his eyes warm and full of love. The sight alone had said one's heart beating loudly in his chest, blood flowing to his cheeks.

His heartbeat only sped up when Dream inched closer to him, soft fingertips brushing over the back of his neck as he felt the other's thigh pressing against his hip.

Was that a dream? It had to be, there was no way this was happening in real life.

Dream's other hand landed on his chest, making him wonder if the other was able to feel how quickly his heart was beating against his ribcage. Could he also feel the tingles of petals everywhere he touched him? He blinked, as if surprised before his smile softened, causing Nightmare's heart to melt.

He had never felt so warm before, not even when the two of them were trapped in each other's arms. He did not even know that such warmth was possible. It was not burning either, just the perfect temperature to have him feeling all fuzzy and soft inside, he never felt so good, and he never wanted this moment to end.

His heart all but leaped out of its place when the hand on his chest left, instead guiding one of Nightmare's hands toward his own chest. Even through the fabric of Dream's sweater, he was able to discern the soft thumping of the other's heart that seemed almost like a carbon copy of Nightmare's erratic heartbeat. The implication of that had his head spinning.

"I'm freaking out too." Dream chuckled, voice light and relaxed, so different from the stifled and anxious one Nightmare was used to. He caught himself thinking that getting rid of the Priest was the best decision he has ever made, no matter how much he suffered in the aftermath. If it meant seeing Dream so joyful, he would not even mind going through all of it again. "But it's not so bad, right?"

His grip on his wrist tightened just a bit but instead of hurting, it only spread warmth through Nightmare's veins, his golden eyes bore into Nightmare's, looking for an answer in those familiar irises.

All that attention was overwhelmingly pleasant.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." He heard himself say, gently freeing himself from Dream's grip before he intertwined their fingers, his fingertips brushing over Dream's visible vein lines. "Just us, just me and you together as it was always meant to be."

Normally, he would never dare utter such words aloud, for fear of ruining what they had and because of how embarrassing it was, but this was a dream anyway, was it not? Maybe that was the source of his newfound shamelessness.

He tugged Dream's arm forward, leveling the other's wrist to his face before he leaned down and boldly kissed the lines drawn by his veins, his lips tingling where they met skin.

Dream's cheeks turned a darker shade of red at his actions as he finally settled on straddling the other's waist. "You... shouldn't do these things so casually."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2024 ⏰

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