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"Well that doesn't look too good

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"Well that doesn't look too good..."

I stare out the open window at the graying clouds that covered the sky. A small sigh escaping my lips as I leaned up against the sill. A gloomy feeling entering my body at the gloomy sight.

"Rain again today...Guess it can't be helped..."

I pushed myself off from against the windowsill, turning away from the darkening view. Stretching the slight ache in my bones away, a small groan of relief fell from my lips. I head into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water, taking a small sip of it as I stared off at the wall.

"Guess it's an inside day huh..."

I stared into space for a small while. My head blank with no idea how I'll spend hours of my time. Seeing as going outside won't be happening.

I snapped out of my thoughts when a blast of thunder struck the sky. My head whipped toward the window only to find a black cat sitting there.

Staring at me.




It's tail swayed slightly, a light blue hue emitting from its ears. Bright blue eyes stared at me from across my apartment.

"Um...hi kitty..."

Another stroke of lightning and thunder attacked the sky, causing the both of us to flinch. And like clockwork, the mysterious cat jumped inside and I closed the window.

Once again a small sigh left my lips as I proceeded to lock the window. I turned back to the animal that was now curiously roaming my apartment. Smelling and pushing things around with each step.

This is a bit of a pickle...

I looked back out the window, the storm now entering it's prime. Showing no signs of stopping any time soon.

I'm not cruel...can't just toss it out in the rain...

"Alrighty kitty I guess you're staying here."

I made my way over the cat, that was currently chewing on my plants, lifting it off the ground. I turned it around to face me, staring into its eyes.

"From what I can see...I guess you're don't seem to have an owner you need a place to stay...?"

He spit out the leaf he was previously chewing on in disgust, cause me to chuckle slightly. Adjusting him to lay comfortably in my arms.

"Sorry, I don't do real plants lil guy...but if you're hungry I'm sure I can make something for you. I don't have any cat food at the moment...but I'm sure there is something..."

His blue eyes seem to sparkle at the mention of food. Loud meows beginning to sound out through my apartment.

"Yeah yeah I get it, I get it.."

I made my way into the kitchen, setting the cat down on the counter. I searched through my cabinets before pulling out a pack of tuna. A smile of victory crossed my features.

"Guess it's your lucky"

I looked back at the cat that was practically drooling over the tuna in my hands. His tail swaying behind him in anticipation. It resembled that of a trident. Or a fork like thing...

Not gonna mention the glowing blue ears... cause that's a whole other circus...

I turned back to the rainy scene that occurred outside my window. The sight looking ever

"Grimm...Guess I'll name you Grimm."

I smiled at Grimm as he attempted to reach for the tuna that was still in my hands, swatting at my hands with his paws. Small meows of annoyance being directed at me. A laugh left my lips as I set it on the counter. I got out a can opener and opened up one for him to chow on.

Setting the can down in front of Grimm, he wasted no time immediately devouring it. Making a mess with no hesitation.


I shook my head with a nervous smile, taking a seat on a stool. Resting my chin on my palm. As I watched Grimm practically annihilate a can of tuna.

"You're your own way..."

After licking the can clean Grimm stretched before jumping off the counter, making his way back into the living room. He quickly made himself comfortable on the couch, falling asleep within seconds. I watched, tapping my fingers against the countertop.

"Well I guess this is'll make the new place...less lonely..."

My eyes drifted from the sleeping animal to the numerous boxes that flooded the place. My arms crossed over my chest as I leaned onto the counter, laying my head against my arms.

The sound of rain and the soft snores from across the room luring me off to sleep. Dreaming of all the work I have to do...

It'll be fine...I'll be fine...

I'll be fine

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