Riddle & Trey

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Cat & Cat

The boys were currently watching tv inside, while I busied myself with fixing up the yard

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The boys were currently watching tv inside, while I busied myself with fixing up the yard. Yard work can seem really tiring, but when you watch your creations grow it's really worth it. I had the trees and bushes trimmed already. Got to clean up that excess before I can get started on planting flowers as well as vegetation. This part was extremely tedious, but I was getting through it.

So exciting...!

As I raked up leaves and twigs, I heard an exchange of meows from the gate. Two different tones. My head tilted curiously as I set the rake down on the ground and stepped closer toward the gate.

I came to a stop as two cats stepped into the entrance. Their eyes staring up at me as mine stared down at them.

One was smaller than the other. His fur was a bright red color, two strand of fur at the top of his head formed a heart like shape. He had bluish-gray eyes that stared sternly up at me. For such a small animal he kind of intimidated me. Got that look in his eyes. A powerful aura to combat such a small size

The other one looked a lot more friendly. It's size was bigger than his partner. He had dark green fur, with sweet hazel eyes. He looked to have a small smile as he sat just a few inches behind the red cat.

I tilted my head at the two, slowly kneeling down in front of them, my hands staying pressed on my lap. I'd like to avoid scaring them off if possible. Red was a more wary of me than the green cat. Although, I'm pretty sure the latter was squinting slightly at me so maybe that's why.

I put on a small smile slowly holding out my hand to the two, offering for them to come closer.

"Hello there. Have you come to visit my home? Sorry it isn't empty anymore..."

I introduced myself, even though I doubt they could understand what I'm saying.

The green cat decided to sniff at my hand. As he got closer, I spotted a clover mark under his left eye. My eyes widened slightly as I looked back toward the house. My brows furrowed in thought.

Could they perhaps...

The red cat didn't bother getting closer, though as I got up, the green cat stepped away from me. I leaned down, pressing my hands on my knees, smiling down at the two.

"Did you come looking for the boys? I realize you all have relative marks, so I'm guessing you know each other."

I stood up straight and turned toward the house, jogging back inside. The two didn't follow me immediately, but they eventually made their way to the porch. The Green cat jumped onto the rails. while the red one jumped onto the porch swing. He got slightly startled when it swayed, but it eventually slowed.

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