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Hi...Hey...Uh...Wassup. Im alive wooow...Don't hurt me I'm sorry. Please enjoy thank you😭😭😭


"Now remember, when I call, for the love of all things holy

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"Now remember, when I call, for the love of all things holy...Come. Back. Here. No fight, no fuss, no RUNNING."

Several eyes stared at me, all with different emotions in them. Some were excited to explore, others were suffering in the exhaustion of their fellow house mates. I hardly expected much of a response back to my one rule, and placed my hands on my hips. I sighed before putting on a small smile.

"Alright, free time begins now. Be free I guess. At least stick with your designated groups thanks!"

They all broke off into their set groups, exploring the apple farm with keen interest. Thankfully staying together without much of a problem. Grim looked up at me from my ankle as he glanced between me and an apple. Practically yelling at me to pick it for him. Hunger shining in his little eyes. I groaned rolling my eyes at the flaming animal.

"Why is it you never stay full, I just fed you..."

I picked and apple holding it in my hands, keeping it out of reach as Grim meowed for it. He jumped at my legs attempting to climb up them, though with each attempt he was shaken off.

"Hold it, okay? I have to cut it into pieces so you don't choke. Then again you might swallow it whole and be perfectly fine..."

I sat at the base of a tree, taking out a small paring knife I brought along just for this trip. As if muscle memory I peeled and sliced it into pieces. The movements coming to me smoothly. Grim sat comfortably on my lap, chewing on the apple slices. He seemed to be beaming in bliss, as his head swayed happily.

Is this safe for cats...well this one eats everything so it's probably fine.

Today is one of our casual travel outings. Little trips I tend to take with my animals regularly.We came to visit the Granny who cares for the farm here. She apparently has something to give to me. Or rather something she wants to entrusts to me. She emphasized just how important this was to her and that it needs to be me who cares for it. I'm happy she trust whatever it is to me.

"It's also nice that she let everyone come with us, yeah? She's so nice..."

I conversed with the animal who just stared at me, waiting for his next apple. Grim would most likely be at my side, so he'll stay in my room.

It's not favoritism, he's just attached.

The other boys do have to stay in the barn, since there is so many of them, and a few are too big to be considered dogs.

Cough cough Jack...Cough cough Cough Floyd...COUGH COUGH Jade

Oh had something in my throat there...

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