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I hummed while brushing my teeth, ignoring Deuce and Ace fighting over who's going to sleep on the only other pillow on my bed

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I hummed while brushing my teeth, ignoring Deuce and Ace fighting over who's going to sleep on the only other pillow on my bed. They do it every night so it's nothing new. Though getting their hair off is something I wish didn't have to happen.

I spit into the sink, tuning it on to wash it away. After a bit I turned it off, drying off my mouth.

I walk back into my bedroom finding Deuce laying comfortably on a pillow, Ace growling at him from the other side of the bed.

"Guess you won today Deuce. Lucky you."

Grimm already asleep on his own bed. Of course I got Deuce and Ace their own beds in a different room. Painted it and everything. They took a special liking to Alice in Wonderland, so I turned it after that. But no they prefer my bed. I'm my room. Which I don't complain about. Grimm would rather just be in my room rather than sleep on my bed. Once again, not a problem for me at all.

Deuce's gem collar caught the moonlight as he turned over on his back. The red gem in the shape of a spade sparkling softly in the light. He had a matching collar to Ace. It suited him. I got into bed, slowly moving the pillow Deuce laid on over to the side. I traced the little spade on his eye softly causing him to shiver lightly before getting comfortable in bed. Ace moved my arm up, getting himself comfortable underneath it. I smiled and sighed gently, drifting off to sleep.


I jerked awake at a sound from the yard, my eyes darting toward the window. I slowly got out of bed, looking out into the yard scanning it before meeting two bright green eyes staring up at me. I stared back before slowly grabbing my robe, putting it on as I head downstairs. I opened the door stepping out into the porch. Scanning the yard.

Fireflies roamed the yard flickering on and off. It looked dreamy, mesmerizing in every way. I'm not too big on bugs but I can't look away from this.

"How beautiful...Hello? Is someone out here?"

I took a deep breath stepping down the steps of the porch, walking around the yard hesitantly. I called out a few times more, before coming to a stop examine the quiet area. Crickets filling the area with its song.

"I could have sworn..."

A small tap touched my back, causing me to yelp jumping up. I turned around to find a large Black dog sniffing at me, it's green eyes glaring into the fabric of my robe. His fur would slightly fade to a turquoise color. His eyes drifted up, meeting mine. Vertical slits embedded in his pupils. His glare softening just as mine did. I slowly relaxed my tense body, reaching my hand out to him patiently. He sniffed it twice before sitting down, looking back up into my eyes.

I slowly kneeled down in front of the dog, my hand petting...


I quickly looked under it before nodding and placing my hand on his head.

Okay now I'm sure.

He leaned toward me, allowing me to pet him. He was slightly leaning his head down into the direction of my hand. He was very well-mannered. Didn't make much of a fuss, and wasn't too excited either. He's quite big so I doubt most get close enough to notice. His fur seemed a little long, but it was sleek. A slight cowlick just on top of his head.

"You're a lil sweetheart aren't you?"

He huffed closing his eyes. His head pressing into my palm more.

"You are very proper aren't you? Like a puppy Prince..."

My fingers traced down to his collar, lifting up the green dragon shaped gem tag attached to it. I turned it over only finding a name engraved in it.

"Malleus...Nice to meet you Malleus. Wonder why your owner didn't put an address, or their name. Kind of...defeats the purpose..."

He huffed out gently and laid down, his head propping up against my lap. He closed his eyes, relaxing against me. Huffing out once again.

"Oh you're too..."

I yawned softly, tiredly stroking the dog that slept against me. My eyes started to close, and once more I was asleep. Leaning over the new friend I made in the comfort of fireflies.


Continuous barking awoke me from my slumber. My eyes opened to find Deuce staring at me from above, still barking quite loudly. Deuce was pushing at my head, while Ace was bouncing on my stomach. Grimm stood on my chest meowing loudly into my face.

Darn alarm clocks

I sat up slowly rubbing the back of my neck, groaning at the ache in my body. Grimm and Ace moved off my body, still whining up at me. Deuce went silent when my eyes opened, but still stared up at me.

I looked around to find myself in the middle of the garden. I looked back down at my lap finding the dog from last night now gone. Ace and Deuce jumped into my lap while Grimm found a comfortable place on my shoulder yowling into my ear. I pushed at his face but he fought back against me, biting down on my fingers.

"I'm so sorry, guys. You must be hungry...or worried. Or both. Let's get back inside."

I stood up, stretching out. Pops and cracks sounding out through my body. A sigh escaped from my mouth as I head back inside. Grimm riding on my shoulder while Ace and Deuce followed behind me.

"Wonder who that dog was...maybe he'll be back. Or maybe not...who knows..."

Malleus...Hope he got home okay.

Hope he got home okay

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