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"Thank you for coming everyone! It was great to see you all!"

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"Thank you for coming everyone! It was great to see you all!"

I stood outside the gate, waving at the cars traveling back down the path, heading back home for the night. City lights beginning to illuminate the city as the night began. The once lively yard now quieting with the occasional sounds from the forest. I sighed out, feeling the last of my social battery run dry.

I can take interactions no problem. A few conversations for a couple of hours is not too much of a problem, I tend to tough it out well.

But I may have overdone it today.

I turned back to the messy yard, smiling painfully at how long I'll be up cleaning this mess. Cans, plates and other miscellaneous items covered the grass. My general clique of people is usually tidy, but with a group this large, the results seem unavoidable.

The rustling of bags caught my attention as a few of my pets ran around collecting trash. Some were a lot more calmer in the process...Others were quick to make a game of it. Though help was help nonetheless. Truthfully I teared up a bit at the gesture. Even the new addition was helping gleefully. I smiled and got to work putting away the chairs and tables.

Glad to not be alone during this.


I wiped my head of the collected sweat, looking over the now clean yard. I smiled as the string lights were now illuminating the yard fully under the night sky. After three hours of work, me and my pets stood proudly on the clear path, admiring a job well done.

"We did it. WE'RE ALL DONE!!"

Various sounds joined in my cheers as my pets circled my legs. I giggled giving each a pet on the head. Even his all mighty highness who's only effort was a can . Which was more than I was expecting to be honest so a reward is a reward. As well as the lengthy menace who got bored after ten minutes of effort and swam during most of it. Azulejo refused to have it and sent him back off to work.

Which didn't last long since he got bored once again and quit. But at least he helped a little so win win.

I smiled over my pets, seeing a few of them swayed gently with exhaustion. I smiled clicking my tongue ad gesturing to the door. I picked up the sparkle of energy who was bouncing at my leg, adjusting him comfortably in my arms.

"Now then, shall we welcome the new addition to our family. I have the perfect gem for his collar, and I think he'll fit right into the new room! Of course, everyone can get some sleep if you prefer, you all very much deserve it. A big breakfast seems in order yes?"

A gleeful bark at the mention of food shot out through the years, causing me to laugh. I made my way back inside chuckling slightly while continuing my thoughts. I climbed up the steps continuing to speak, stroking the young pup's head.

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