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I stood before the large building, Grimm propped up on my head as we stared at the vintage styled home before us

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I stood before the large building, Grimm propped up on my head as we stared at the vintage styled home before us. It was beautiful really. Three floors of space, equipped with an attic and a basement. An open yard. Maybe the possibility of a pool in the future. It looked old and sturdy enough. Some repairs here and there and it's perfect.

The style was memorizing to look at. Almost like stepping into the past. This new place was a new opportunity for me, and it was amazing.

"And to think we'll be staying here from now on..."


I screamed out at the sudden voice. Grimm jumping up and falling off my head, landing next to my slightly shaky legs.

We turned toward the male, who was smiling down at my terrified figure. My tense body slowly facing him completely.

"Mister Crowley...Nice to see you again...Please warn me next time you want to show up so suddenly..."

He laughed placing his hands against his hips. His head tilting back in amusement before he leaned toward me, causing me to lean back away from him.

"Yes well I just happened to be coming by to get a few signatures, and just so happened to overhear your statement. I couldn't help but generously offer my input!"

I nodded hesitantly looking down to make eye contact with Grimm. Who was staring up at me with the most weirded out face a cat can make. We both gazed back at the man dressed in quite a...get up. Seems odd to be in such an exaggerated suit.

Not gonna question it just move on...just on.

"Well I can go ahead and sign, so you can go about your day. I have a lot of moving in to do so..."

"Ah yes! Good point."

He opened his briefcase taking out a stack of papers. He gazed at the yard taking a seat at one of the garden tables, setting the papers in front of him. He looked at me expectedly, but I just looked at him in disbelief.


He flinched and avoided eye contact, coughing awkwardly into his clenched fist.

"Well...I was incredibly too busy to come by and have you sign papers. My schedule was quite packed. See as I was on vaca- ahem attending important business. I could have simply mailed them, but decided it would be much kinder of me to do it in person."

What forgot all about it didn't you...

I looked at him with a look of total and utter disbelief before sighing taking a seat across from him. I picked up the pen twirling it around my fingers.

"Let's get this over with."

I turned to look at Grimm who sat by my feet. The purple jewel on his color catching the light of the sun in a memorizing way. The striped bow on the back of nape looking slightly droopy.

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