Floyd & Jade

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Dog & Dog

Azul is one of the only cats who enjoys walking nearly as much as a dog does

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Azul is one of the only cats who enjoys walking nearly as much as a dog does.

Perhaps more.

I think he was in that cave most of his life, hardly leaving to look at the world around him. Now he's taking in the sights as much as he can. I found that he takes interest in the news out of any tv show. It provides him the most information in one session.

There's also he's condition of wanting to go with me...EVERYWHERE.

I decided to take a trip to visit Crewel's, and it seems he was dead set on going along with me. His harness dangled from his mouth as he sat next to my shoes. Waiting for me to attach it so WE can go out.

Spoiled brats...all of them...

And so here we are. Walking along the sidewalk, watching the townspeople hustle through their daily lives.

Azul swayed back and forth along the path, attaching his eyes to anything and everything that caught his attention. Memorizing the small details in the world he rarely ever visited before.

It was just too cute to say no to.

After a bit of a walk we came to the stylish door of Crewel's pet care center.

And boy was it loud in there.

I hesitated in opening the door after hearing several things meet the ground in harsh bangs and crashes.

Azul attempted to pull at the leash, leading on away from the store. Making his attempt to go somewhere, anywhere else.

Guess you wanna pretend we're not going here huh...


I sighed before finally opening the door.

Instant regret.

And immediately my vision was overtaken by a flash of teal fur. Falling back into the ground, a heavy weight settled itself upon my chest.A pair of eyes unlike any I've ever seen before stared back at me. One was a bright yellow, while the other was a soft brown. A streak of black fur was parted off to the right of his face. His body was lean and long. He was nearly the length of me.


My arm...is in his mouth!

Actually he's not really biting down just gently nomming on it. Barely letting his teeth sink in, kind of tickles.

I stroked his head, watching as his head tilted into my hand. The sound of footsteps drawing me away from the long creature.

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