Ortho & Idia: Part 1

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Cat & Cat

Tw: death, animal abuse, nightmaresY'all are not ready for what I'm about to hit y'all with

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Tw: death, animal abuse, nightmares
Y'all are not ready for what I'm about to hit y'all with.


"Another failure. It's like the drug is refusing to take. The little one doesn't even seem alive at this point. The older one barely holds any promise..."

Small whimpers echoed off the cell wall. Two blue balls of fur sat huddled off in the corner, trembling in exhaustion and fear. The smaller of the two curling up to its older counterpart. Two people in white coats stared in frustration at their failures.

"Should we get rid of him?"

"And then what? We have to get it to work somehow, without them we have no subjects. The big boss upstairs hardly finds us worth the trouble as it is. We'll just have to keep trying. One will bear fruit eventually."

The two walked away from cell. Disappearing down the hall of silent cages. The once full cells left with nothing but a rotting past. The bodies of failures still present in the hell they had been left to die in.

Truly, the two had no choice but to bring results, or meet the cell mates awaiting them on the other side. Their cries almost echoing through the empty halls.


"Turn please."

With a small huff, Jack turned to face me. His leaned his head down, resting it down in the palm of my hand. I began trimming off the excess amount of fur that clouded his vision. Carefully cutting around his eyes.

We sat in the front yard, on a sheet covered by fur. We're only here because someone decided to disappear off into the mountain side, and came back looking like a bear. After 3 days of watching him stumble blindly through the house and scaring my pets into fits of hissing and barking, I finally came around to cutting it off.

For him to have this much after a few months is just ridiculous. He already had to much fur to begin with, now it's been made worse.

I considered visiting Crewel...But I don't want that lecture. So I'll handle it personally. I have a pair of scissors and a dream.

The sound of the gate opening had Jack's ears perking up at attention. He didn't move but the slight twitching of his ear told me he was tempted too. Crowley entered the yard waving around a folded paper with a gleeful smile. His cane tapping along the rocky path before stepping onto the grass.

"Oh pet collector~ I bring a gift for you~"

"One moment..."

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