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It was a nice fall morning

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It was a nice fall morning. A cool breeze with the sun high in the sky. Not too cold, but the warmth of summer was definitely leaving with each day.

Absolutely perfect for a harvest party!

I stood outside in a warm but loose outfit. Nothing too bulky to risk overheating. Epel stood at the ready by my side as my second in command. Patiently awaiting instructions. A few of my other companions were also assisting. All wearing newly knit scarves to match their room's designated color.

"Today is harvest day for the garden! Please be careful not to trample the plants as you grab things!"

I set up a line of large woven baskets, setting a small photo of different vegetables in front of each one. Once finished I gestured from the plants to the baskets. Showing the designated spots for each.

"Place what we collect in the corresponding basket. Be careful not fully bite through them. Anything rotten goes in the compost."

After finishing the talk with a few more rules, everyone spread out among the garden to get to work. Each getting into a rhythm that seemed comfortable. Whether that be quick and easy, or slow and precise. I took to collecting herbs and other garnishing that required a more delicate touch.

Now to be clear, not all my pets were welcoming to the idea of participating in yard work. Though a few gladly joined. For today it was:

Riddle, Trey, Deuce, Ruggie, Jack, Jade, Kalim, Jamil, and Epel.

My other pets practically scoffed at the idea of gardening today. Being either too tired, or finding the task way too bothersome. But no worries. This will get done no matter the lack of their enthusiasm to the task. Especially since I found gardening to be a very therapeutic hobby during the fall season.

I was harvesting a group of carrots before a small yelp caught my attention. It sounded fearful, and several more followed after. I turned to find Epel being dragged off into the forest by the scruff of his neck. A blonde dog holding on to him as he dashed forward. My eyes widened as I watched this dog swerve away with one of my pups.

Wait one of my...

I quickly jumped to my feet hurrying after the long dog. I slightly tripped over my basket of carrots, but quickened my attempts at caching up to the dog.  He was much quicker on his feet than me. Swerving around through the trees, attempting to lose me within the forest. It's like he had eyes in the back of his head, watching me follow him while moving on his own path.

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