Chapter 60

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Sunday's POV

"What!?!" Both I and Harry shout out in shock.

I twist Kayla's body so that it was facing me. "What do you mean its Louis baby?"

Kayla looked hesitant and embarrassed. She deserves to be if this is all true.

"Remember the night of the club?" She started. "Well maybe we were wrong about nothing happening, something did happen."

"How can you be so sure?" Louis asked. He looked straight in her eyes in disbelief.

"Louis let's be honest with ourselves something did happen that night" Kayla said firmly.

"No, nothing happened you went in your room and I went in mine. That's it end of story." Louis was angry now being accused of cheating isn't something you would like to hear and especially when you're the father of the result.

"Then here's a good question, were you fully clothed when you woke up that morning?" Everyone's eyes were towards Louis.

He hesitated. "Uh no, no it can't be I was thinking about Sunday not you, you were never in my room."

Normally when a comment like that was made I would blush. But right now isn't the time, if I was blushing it's of anger and humiliation.

"Why are you so intent on Louis being the father?" I thought those word came from my mouth but found out it was Harry.

"Because it makes sense and I wasn't with anyone else but him!" Kayla yelled angrily.

"Louis you need to think back to that night, what exactly happened?" I order him, there has to be some explanation of this, unless Kayla was with someone else. But my guess about Kayla disappears when I take a look at Louis face. It said it all: he was hiding something.

Tears start to block my throat, Kayla is right. Something did happen that night.

"I was drunk ....I didn't know what I was doing Sunday" He looked at me with pleading eyes. But I can't bear to look at him, how he could do this to me.

"I thought it was you, I was so trashed I couldn't even think straight. It's a miracle I even got through the door." I didn't care for his stupid excuses what I wanted was facts.

"How long did you hide this for?" My voice was hoarse and my head was starting to hurt.

"I woke up when Kayla left the room. I looked around me and saw all the clothes on the floor, I didn't believe at first until I saw her underwear on the floor. That's when I realized what had happened." Bile was forming in my throat. I couldn't even look at the both of them.

"I didn't believe it either but recently I've been seeing flashbacks of the night. I guess I was too hung over to realize what was going on that morning." My tears close to falling off the edge.

"I said to take care of her...Not do her." Harry was steaming up set and hurt. His best friend betrayed him.

"Mate I'm sorry, I" He didn't even get to finish when a punch came straight into his face. Louis was holding him by the shoulders and so was Harry both griping their shirts.

"What the hell Louis how could you do this to me? I trusted you, your my best friend and this is how you repay me by getting my girlfriend pregnant?" Harry griped onto Louis shirt tighter.

"Harry let him go!" Kayla cried.

I was so motionless I couldn't even do anything, I felt as the world around me was crumbling. At that moment I could care less about what will happen to Louis.

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