Chapter 6

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And the Dedication goes toooo.....Danae294! Cuz shes been such a good sport and I think a big fan of the story Luv you hun!! Now on with the story....

Louis POV

The silence was seriously killing me, I mean we’re in a noisy gym but you could seriously feel the awkward, it feels like jello. The Kayla girl finally said something.

“Hey Sun let’s say hi to Rimmie yeah” She asked her.

Sunday nodded and told me she was going to say hi to people, I told her to go ahead. Because honestly my head was swirling with thoughts and questions. Especially when she said that I was her friend, I mean I know it’s weird to say fiancé but Kayla seemed to be her best friend so she must of obviously told her, yet it still puzzled me that I was getting worked up about that, I mean why do I care? And then I realized another thing, we can’t even have a conversation where it doesn’t end with an awkward silence. I mean how are we supposed to get know each other? This is going to be harder than I thought.

 I watched as she gone to greet her friends, they were laughing at something, Sunday looked happy and joyful, she looked beautiful. That’s right beautiful, I want her to be like that around me, I felt a pang of hurt and jealousy. WHAT AM I SAYING? But I couldn’t even fool myself, I was jealous that I couldn’t make her laugh or smile like that, Well of course stupid you hadn’t had a proper conversation with her yet, what did you expect?  Honestly I didn’t know but I do know that I just wanted to make her smile; I hate the awkwardness we have with each other, if we’re going to make this work then we need to get rid of that, but I know it’s going to take some time. But I’m willing to be patient.

Sunday’s POV

We all laughed  again; Rimmie was such a hilarious guy, I got sad the fact that we won’t hear Rimmie’s ridiculous stories and weird jokes. But then I forgot something, he’s going to the same Uni as me, ugh face palm. I and Kayla knew Rimmie for a long time since grade 6, he was the new kid but he made a great impression making all of us laugh the minute he got into the school.

“Hey Sensei, who’s that with your mum?”  Rimmie asked. He always called me Sensei, he told me the minute we met that ‘Sunday was a cool name but not cool enough’, so since he liked ninjas he settled with Sensei, stupid right, I know but oh well.

“Oh just a friend” I told him, Rimmie is my best friend but I’m not ready to tell him. He nodded noticing that there was something more, he looked at Louis again, he looked concerned.

“What’s his name?” Rimmie asked again.

“Louis” I replied to him. He nodded once more, obviously he doesn’t approve of Louis.

“Don’t worry Rimmie, he’s truly harmless” I assured him. He looked at me, then back at Louis. He smiled.

“Did I ever tell you guys about the time when I freaked out my dad by sitting in the trunk and making ghost sounds?” Kayla and I immediately started laughing again as he began his story. But as I started listening I zoned out and started thinking about Louis. I hate the awkwardness that we have with each other, I hope it leaves, I’m willing to try to make this work I mean we should at least have a proper conversation. It’s just I get nervous around him and I don’t what to say or do. And another problem, I’m going to Uni and so is he, how are we going get to know each other better? I don’t know what Uni he’s going to but what if his is like so far away, what then? I looked over to where he was sitting, he was on his phone but he still looked bored, I felt bad I should have introduced him to my friends, which would have been the most polite thing to do. I felt something tug my arm, it was Kayla she’s laughing hard, and then I realized I should have been listening to Rimmie’s scare story. I looked over to Rimmie; he noticed that I’m not paying attention. ‘You ok?’ he mouthed, I nodded back. We both were watching Kayla trying to recover from the story.

“Omigod, Rimmie that is hilarious” She said as she fully recovered.

“Thanks, but that’s not what my dad thought I was grounded for a week, but my mum begged to differ and said it was genius, so they settled for three days” He chuckled at his memory. I wasn’t surprised, I met Rimmie’s mom she was such a cool mom and loved her son’s pranks even if they directed towards her, he would always get like the best punishments, and they were always either 3-5 days. His dad is cool too but he doesn’t really appreciate his pranks.

“Oh looks like someone going home" Both Kayla and me turned back and saw my mother approach us.

“Sunsun, we’re leaving” she told me “Hello Rimmie, how are you?” my mother asked him, my mom liked Rimmie, but not his pranks.

“I’m fine miss and yourself?” He replied.

“I’m fine thank you” she nodded.

“I’ll be right there; mum is ok if Kay comes later?” I told/asked her.

“Of course, why not” she said and walked back.

“Well I need to find my mum, knowing her she’s probably still crying, see you guys later” Kayla finally said and walked off.

“I guess I have to leave too” I waved good-bye to Rimmie who suddenly caught my arm.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” He asked me. His face was full of concern, his eyes piercing inside mine.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I told him. He looked at me one last time and nodded.

“I honestly don’t know” He said but his face still remained the same, with concern. It was my turn to nod.

“Bye Rimmie” I said and walked away. I headed towards my mom and dad; I saw that Louis and his parents were still here too.

“Sun I forgot to tell you that Aunt Jay is  coming for dinner, so Kay can’t come over” I internally groaned, really dinner?

“Oh Ok” I ended up replying back

“Why don’t I go and tell her” I walked away quickly.

I felt like hitting myself in the head, ugh I didn’t want to spend an evening with him at all; this getting to know him is going to be really hard. I ended up finding Kayla and told her about how Louis was staying for dinner and all, she said it was fine because she was going the plans anyways her family is throwing her a party she  was going to invite me but that obviously wasn’t going to happen. I internally groaned again, she gets a party and I get a dinner night with a guy and his family that I can’t properly converse with. Yay Me! Not. We said our goodbyes and went off on our own ways.


I honestly feel like that is the most awkward ending ever... anyways, there you have it an updated chapter Yaay!! First thing is first 200 Reads!!!!! I never thought that i would get so far thank you guys so much!!! You guys are total sweethearts, now if only you comment and vote more often , but you take what you can get;)

You know the usual Vote or Comment! Whichever you prefer....

Have a nice day and stay fabolous <3

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