Chapter 23

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Sunday’s POV

There’s a secret that we need to find out and find out now.

How could we have been so stupid and naïve to not think that this arrangement was more than it supposed to be? Louis is right our parents are hiding something from us and we need to know. But why would my mum lie to me like that why didn’t she just tell me the truth? Anger began boiling in me. Why is there a secret? How could they just trick us into a marriage like that? If we have said no and didn’t get along what would have happened? What if Louis and I didn’t make a deal? Would they have just married us off anyways? I hated how the questions were clouding my mind. I need answers and I need them now.

“C’mon lets go” I nodded to Louis heading out the door.

“Where are we going?” He asked following me.

“To the people who have the answers to our questions”

“And what if they don’t want us to know?”

I couldn’t answer that because I didn’t know. If we were to tell them that we wanted the whole thing to be off it would make them angry causing them to marry us off way quicker than we would like to.

I walked down the stairs and straight into the study room where both my parents were. As we walked in we saw my father on the chair and my mother on the small bench.

“Mum, Dad you got a minute” My voice was a little shaky not from fear. No from complete anger.

“Sure darling what do you guys need?” My mum looked up from her book that she was reading giving us her full attention the same with my dad.

“We have something to ask of you” I started. “Uh” I paused I don’t how to ask the question and to be quite honest I’m scared of the answer so I just froze up. Thankfully Louis came to the rescue.

“We know that the café thing is absolute shit tell us the real reason why we’re being arranged together” No beating around the bush there.

“Excuse me” My mum looked shocked that those words would even come out of his mouth.

“Are you both implying that we lied to you?” My mother’s tone of voice was different it was stern and calm. I’ve never heard her like this before and it’s scaring me but Louis remains unfazed.

“I’m implying that your hiding the truth from us so yeah we can call that lying” Louis’ tone of voice changed too but unlike my mother this tone of voice I know that tone, it’s the same tone he used on me when he thought that the arrangement was called off.

“And what makes you think that?” My father spoke out.

“Because if it was stupid café meet up with two best friends you wouldn’t be planning when we would get married you wouldn’t even be arranging us off! You guys would have just suggested it not forced it.” Even though it was my father who asked him the question Louis still faced my mother looking straight into her eyes.

“Look you’ll know the truth when the time comes for now just try to get along with each other ok?” My mum said her voice sweet and gentle. That voice was used to calm me down and make me feel better but right now it’s doing just the opposite.

“We have a right to know! If the café thing was just a stupid story you need to tell us the real reason why we’re getting arranged” I fumed. They can’t just let us go like that it’s not fair.

“Look it doesn’t matter right now what matters are for you two getting along. You’ll find out the truth later on” My father reasoned.

“I’m not going anywhere until one of you two blokes tells me why the hell that it’s so important to marry her. If I’m going to have to marry her I need a reason” Louis bit back. Shocked is just an understatement no one has ever spoken to my parents like that.

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